Sunday, January 21, 2018

Finding my Peaceful Place

My daughters have blessed me with their piano and guitar
skills and with their worship.

  Finding my peaceful place in the middle of radiation for breast cancer has been on my mind this week. A dear friend, Laurie, has been encouraging me to find my peaceful spot.

  My peaceful spot has been praying and worshiping on my way to the next town for daily treatments. Friday, I sang in the waiting room. Each day this week, the LORD has put a song on my heart. Yesterday, it was the song that begins, "You unravel me, with a melody. You surround me with a song, of deliverance, from my enemies, until all my fears are gone. I'm no longer a slave to fear. I am a child of God. I'm no longer a slave to fear. I am a child of God."

  That's all I remembered while I was having treatment. I asked God to protect me, and I spoke the name of Jesus, then I just sang it in my head in worship to our LORD throughout the treatment and afterward. He is helping me through. No tears yesterday.

Listen: I Am a Child of God

God bless you all! Whatever you are facing, you can do it with Jesus. Holy Spirit is as close as you ask Him to be. He is your comforter and your teacher. Ask Him where your peaceful place is. He will answer you—probably in a still small voice.

Where is your peaceful place?

Pushing Through with Holy Spirit as my Peace

Thank you all for writing to me. I read every comment. I truly appreciate the support you've all given me during my treatments. If you'd like a response to your comment, please make sure that I have your email. I'm not taking time right now to copy responses onto the blog. I am having trouble keeping up. Please understand. Thanks! Laura

Share Your Cup


  1. Blessings sweet lady.
    God will guide you through it all. Someday this will all be a memory, as you get back to a rather regular routine.
    Prayers continue.

  2. Laura, hope all goes well with you in the weeks that come. I'm still singing Christmas songs. There's so much peace in the old Christmas songs so I guess that's my peaceful place. You may get some strange looks at this time of year if you sing them in public, but it sure as heck will spread good cheer. May God bless you and keep you as you go through this.

  3. I love this song. And it's perfect to meditate on as you go through treatment. Blessings!

  4. Keeping you in peaceful place? Since I am driving back and forth (38 miles) to school across mountain roads in winter, me and the good Lord have quite the conversations...praising his name while driving seems to calm me. So, I guess that. smiles

  5. That song always blesses me. We sing it at church and it always just lifts me up. My husband and I sing 'You are My Sunshine' together sometimes when we are going to sleep at night. It just relaxes me and puts me right to sleep. In difficult times I always imagine myself at my happy place at the lake. Still praying you through!

  6. Oh- I know that song well and I, too, got it from Laurie. I do think that singing helps to relieve tension and is a praise to God when we sometimes cannot even find the words to pray.
    God bless you- you can do this!!!! xo Diana

    ps. I sure miss Laurie's blog!

  7. I love your worshipful heart! I didn't know you have daily treatments, but being able to go and worship on the way is admirable. My favorite place is just before dawn, the first hour I'm up and filling my mind with the Word. I enjoy quiet, classical music in the background but I love praise music and my head phones when I'm cleaning the house! Thank you for your prayers for me. I'm healing. You also have mine, dear Laura. Hugs to you from Arizona.

  8. Laura. I know that song well. I listen to it often as my husband struggles with MS and it sometimes seems he is a slave to the affects it has on his body. The verse we turn to for strength is 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for the, for My power is made perfect in weakness". The version of this song that I listen to is from the Voices of Lee. An group from Lee University, a local college just down the road from us. I hope you can listen & enjoy this version also. Remembering you and your family in prayer! No Longer Slaves

    1. I loved that rendition Julie!
      Praying tonight for you and your husband.

  9. Keep singing! Keep praising! I have two peaceful places and one is when I am reading God's word and the second if I am singing some of the old hymns and most any Christmas song. Yes, my family thinks I'm a little crazy because of it but it's okay.

  10. I've already prayed for you this morning. I hope today is a good day. (((hugs)))

  11. I am so happy you found your peaceful place.. So happy and encouraged that God is leading you through this and helping you.
    Praying for you daily. Pray He gives you strength through each upcoming week..hugs.

  12. I'm glad you have found the spot to rest your heart & soul. Going through these treatments are tough on your mind & spirit.
    I've asked you to find the quiet place to rest, regroup & get ready for whatever comes next in the day.
    Yours seems to be hymns. If this is the spot that God has given you, then the music will be endless. Your rest in this spot will keep your eyes on the prize,not the process.
    Be blessed my friend, prayers are with you always, Laurie

  13. Amén, gloria a Dios!!!!!! Así es mi querida hermanita. Mantenernos en íntima comunión con nuestro amado Señor, a través de la adoración y alabanza a su nombre Santo. Es su presencia en nuestras vidas ,lo que hace que sintamos esa paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, sea cual sea las circunstancias que estemos viviendo. "Aunque ande en valle de sombra y de muerte ,no temeré mal alguno ,porque tu Jehova estaras conmigo,tu vara y tu cayado me infundiran aliento." Muchísimas gracias Señor amado🙏🙏. Muchos besitos mi querida hermanita, Dios te continúe bendiciendo junto con tu linda family 😘😘🙏🙏

    1. Translation:
      Amen, glory to God!!!!!! This is my dear little sister. Keep us in intimate communion with our beloved Lord, through adoration and praise to His Holy Name. It is their presence in our lives, which makes us feel that peace that surpasses all understanding, whatever the circumstances we are living. & quot; Though I walk in the valley of shadow and of death, I will fear no evil, for your LORD will be with me, your rod and your staff will breathe my breath. & quot; Thank you, dear Lord. Many little kisses my dear sister, God continue to bless you along with your beautiful family.

      Dear Pili,You are so very sweet to write to me. I must use Google Translate to understand your words, though I do read a little Spanish. I am curious. What country do you live in?

      God bless you!
      Laura Lane

  14. Loving huggles and prayers and God bless you always.

  15. Thinking of you and praying over you always. I love you, my friend! See you soon! <3

  16. I love that your heart has a song when life is scary.

  17. I've never heard of that song but it sure sounds beautiful and comforting. I'm glad there was no tears :) ~ Blessings to you

  18. Praying for you every, single day, and trusting Jesus to be your constant stay. I love that song, too. I just learned it recently, but the words are so powerful and comforting to me. I love the video, too. It just makes you feel like you are walking right there, in person. I watched it one night when I needed to feel God's presence SO desperately. I am so glad it is ministering to you, too.

  19. It truly is a comforting feeling when you have TOTAL PEACE in the the fear, no tears, no anxiety. God is Awesome. Gentle hugs Laura.

  20. Laura, you are certainly tackling this with a positive attitude! I try to always have a song in my heart and head. It really helps me get through just about anything and everything! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane