Monday, August 20, 2018

Looking Forward

Breast cancer treatment has dominated my life since I found the lump April 22, 2017.  I completed my first round of chemo in September last year. Chemotherapy was one of the hardest things I’ve lived through.
I had a bilateral mastectomy with lymph node removal and reconstruction in October 2017.  I didn’t heal well from the surgery, but they did get all the cancer.  “No cancer in the lymph nodes and in the margins” is how they put it. They won’t declare me cancer free, but I am in remission.  The incisions finally healed just in time for radiation.
Radiation was quite an ordeal. I had to be treated every day. I left the house every day regardless of the weather at 8:45 to drive about twenty minutes for a treatment that lasted about five minutes. I did this alone for seven weeks. I cannot explain how it felt to lie beneath a machine that looks like a Kitchenaid mixer that has the power to heal or to destroy. One morning, my treatment was delayed because of a malfunction. Wasn’t that a nerve wracking morning! I prayed and sang (as best one can on one’s back) praises and worship to God “Thou of LORD art a shield to me—my glory and the lifter of my head.”  God was my only companion in that radioactive room. God was my heart and lungs’ only shield.
I completed my last chemo—Herceptin—last month.  I’d been going for treatments for over a year for that. It didn’t make me sick like the first round of chemo, but it did make me feel exhausted, thick headed at times, and weaker.
So here I am, August 20, 2018. Sixteen months after I found the lump that changed my life forever. I have pain. I still have stiffness and discomfort when I try to move my arm sometimes. I have scars from surgery and scars from the radiation burns. But I have life. I have something else, too.
I have a new boldness to speak to others. I have a new boldness to share my faith in Jesus Christ. I have a new burden to pray for others—right in the moment—right with them if possible. I have a new trust in my Jesus. I feel closer to him than ever before, and my faith has been built by reading His word and hearing His word come out of my own mouth in faith. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”
“I will live and not die and declare the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.”
I’ve learned that symptoms and tests are facts. The word of God is truth.
I will trust the LORD in all things.
Just a little of why I’ve not been here. 
God bless you all!
Laura Lane

Wonderful Wednesday
Thursday Favorite Things


  1. Those scars are your beauty marks of LIFE and STRENGTH!
    The Lord has kept you and blessed you beyond measure. You are an inspiration - thank you!

    1. Thank you so much, Cheryl! You've been so faithful to pray.

  2. You are an amazing woman and a blessing to all.

  3. Sweet sweet friend,
    I am so happy that journey is behind you, and you can concentrate on being you and the wonderful you that you are. I continue to pray for you always. May you have peace in your heart!

    1. You've been a dear friend to me. I enjoy coming to your blog for fresh air. ~smile~ You've been great through all of this. Thank you so much for your support and your prayer!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Connie. You've been so good to pray.

  5. It's hard to believe you have been walking this journey for a little over a year now. How are you feeling? Have you got your energy now?

    1. I'm feeling much better. The treatments have some side effects that have been difficult, but I'm persevering. I don't have my energy back, but I make it a bit longer each day before I have to lie down. I feel lazy, but my husband just wants me to heal. Thank you for being here for me!

  6. Praise God!! I am so glad that you are finished with treatments. Cancer does change a person, both physically and mentally. I'm glad that you are stronger.
    Kathy (15 + year cancer survivor)

  7. He has brought you through. I am believing you will soon be declared cancer free. My mother begins radiation due to lung cancer. I would appreciate your prayers.

    1. Yes! Father God, I pray for Barbie's mother. Please be her shield and strength. Give her songs, hymns, and scripture to fill her mind as she goes through treatment. Be a shield to her heart and all of her healthy tissue. Cancer die the death in Jesus' name! I plead the blood of Jesus over her for complete healing. Help LORD! In Jesus' name. Amen.

  8. Going through all that you have, I'm sure the really important things come into perspective. I pray that you are feeling better each day and I am sure that God plans to use you mightily through your experiences.

    1. You're right. Thank you for praying me through this!

  9. Oh Laura, you are truly a warrior for God. My heart and prayers are with you..Your words of faith give ME encouragement. Thank you for that dear lady...sending a gentle hug across the miles.

    1. Thank you so much, Karla. You've been so wonderful to me through all of this. Your cards, letters, comments, and encouragement have made a tremendous difference.

  10. Your pain and suffering is your offering and sacrifice to the Lord. He will use it for His glory. You are a precious and dear person and have a heart full of love! I am thankful for you!

    1. Thank you for being my friend before, during, and after this.

  11. Laura,i along with many,many others have had you in prayer everyday.
    As we speak privately thru email know that all I've been able to offer you was to find the peaceful place in your heart, mind and soul. Whatever brought you peace was my concern.
    Early on you found that singing old hymns was what you needed. My prayers have changed of late. Its not only for the healing of your body, but that the Lord would continue to supply the words & melodies of hymns to not only run through your mind during treatment, but that they would be on your heart as you rested. Or doing housework you felt up to.
    I've more than said it, prayed it, that as your strength returned the hymns would stay with you.
    I will repeat myself here, rest as needed, do only what you can, and let the rest go. I told you, it would still be there when you felt up to doing it.
    I'm so very proud for you that your in remission, and as always, you have my thoughts & prayers. Please stay rested, Laurie

    1. Thank you for being a strong prayer partner and for talking me through some of this and exhorting when necessary!

  12. One amazing lady! Continue to be Blessed and give glory to a great God.

  13. Laura, it will be so wonderful for you to put this all behind you. I'm truly happy for you and love how you share your story with an open heart. You give me faith when mine falters, you give me hope when I'm told there is no hope, you are truly a blessing for those of us who have a loved one who is struggling with this disease. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    1. You are so right! I look forward to complete healing from Jesus! It's coming! It's here in many ways.
      You're sweet and a terrific encourager. Keep in touch. You are welcome. I'm happy to talk or pray.

  14. Cancer is an awful nasty thing. So glad that you are in remission and that you have had the love of God to comfort you during this time.

  15. Beautiful post of inspiration and faith! A special prayer going up tonight for continued healing and blessing for sharing your faith. Thanks for sharing at TFT!

    1. So glad to meet you Amber. Thanks for praying for me!


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!