Saturday, November 3, 2018

Pay Day

I received this text that touched my heart from my son. I'm recording it here, because I don't want to ever lose it.

"Hey, I want to tell you I love you. I just went shopping for house stuff, and I found my thought process for selecting kitchen items was, 'Did momma have one of these in her kitchen?' LOL If you didn't, then I knew it was unnecessary, because you worked absolute magic making something out of nothing for us because you loved us. You did a wonderful job of raising all of us. You made me who I am and I love you for that. I am proud to be your son."

Best pay day ever.


  1. What a beautiful blessing! And I know how much it means to you. <3

    1. I know you do. Thanks for being my friend when times were tough.

  2. A blessing indeed, I don't think it gets better than that.

  3. Awwwwww Laura, THAT is SO heartwarming. What a wonderful testimony to the character of your son..and the loving upbringing by you to leave such a lasting impression on him. God bless you dear lady, a gentle hug across the miles...Karla

    1. Hugs to you, too, Karla. Thank you for the card. It was so cheerful.

  4. That is wonderful to hear. I know it blessed your heart.

    1. It sure did. It felt like he rose up and called me blessed.
      I'll be over for a blog visit soon. Thanks for talking back!
      Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor