Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Spring is Breaking Out All Over

The signs of spring are everywhere here in Southwest Missouri. My teacup tree is budding, the dog is lying in the sun on the back patio, the cat is sunning himself out on the front walk, the grass is beginning to turn greener, the hyacinths are coming up as are the tulips, the daffodils are blooming and so are the crocus.

My daughter and I enjoyed sitting on the front porch talking this morning, and I had to go in because the sun was so hot on my legs that they felt as though they were burning. We've had our share of rain, but today the sun is bright and the sky is blue with pretty puffy clouds dotting it with shades of white and light gray. They are the sort of clouds I used to enjoy as a young child when I lay on my back on the merry-go-round looking for shapes. Did you ever do that?

I've had a bit of a time adjusting to working outside the home after so many years. The work itself is good. I have the opportunity to help the doctor and to help my husband in a monetary way. He doesn't require it of me, but it's helping us through a lean time financially. My contribution is helping to rebuild our savings, to pay for gas and groceries, and for a few extras, too. I don't know if it's long-term, but it's what I believe God has for me to do right now. Mind you, my youngest is in college, so I'm not neglecting children, but my house is showing some neglect. Perhaps some of you working ladies can offer me some advice for balancing work out with work at home.

Well, I need to go now. I'm leaving you with a few photos. I'm reading Ishmael Covenant, and I plan to have a review ready for you by the end of the week. In the meantime, please enter the giveaway here. The giveaway is sponsored by the promotional company.

Have a wonderful week ending, and please share any tips you have with me about combining working in town with the housework at home.

Be blessed everyone!



  1. God is reviving the world. I love spring and new starts and rebirth.

    1. Yes, it's wonderful is it not?
      God bless you Cheryl.

  2. I can tell you that it is not easy to combine the two, but I know it can be accomplished. I suggest that you spend 15 minutes each morning and each evening tidying things up.

    1. Thank you Carol. That is an excellent idea. I truly appreciate your imput. Do you work outside the home?Blessings,Laura

  3. We sure appreciated the sunny warm day here yesterday too, and sat on the porch. Working outside the home and keeping things done at home too is quite a job. I remember those days. Keeping house and cooking meals is a full time job. It all seems to work out. Just have to let some things at home go and try to enjoy your new job.

    1. Dear Penny, 
      Thank you so much for encouraging me. You have been a faithful blog friend to me. I truly appreciate you. You are right. Being home is a full time job. I was amazed that my kids thought I was getting a job because I needed something to do!  I actually did it, because I believe that God created this particular opportunity for me. It's definitely a best case scenario for a mom who's been home for more than half her life. ~smile~
      Well, I must go now. I want to pop by your blog and say hello there. Be blessed!
      Your blog friend,Laura

  4. Laura, I enjoy your blog. Working & keeping up @ home is a challenge. I try to do a little each day, even if it's just scooping the cat litter. Don't beat yourself up about it. AND ASK FOR HELP. It's just housework. Eat out sometimes - no cooking, no cleanup. Do a load of laundry a day. Separate baskets for loads means clothes are ready to wash when you get a moment. Spray your shower with shower spray before you get out. Good recipe for homemade shower spray on pinterest, better than store bought & cheap. Good luck!

    1. Dear Janet, Wow, thank you so much for your note. These are some good ideas. I just finished my third week. I am not as stressed at the end of this week as I was even last week. I look forward to homemaking tomorrow. I really appreciate you writing to me. God bless you dear. Your blog friend, Laura

  5. You know it is a trade off. You learn to live with a little dust in the effort to earn money. I think working outside the home is great.

    1. I have mixed feelings right now, but it's best for this season. I have a best case scenario for a job. Thank you Jesus!

  6. Laura, I too do the 15 minute tasks. It makes it easier to feel like you are getting something accomplished. I also use my crockpot a lot. I typically will cook enough of the meat to get 2 dinners and lunches for 2 days. That way you can cook 2 nights and have 2 nights off. I have also had a cooking day on the weekend. Cook meats for all week, label them and put them in the fridge. Threaten the kids that these are off limits! But then you just have to reheat and fix a veggie or salad. You can also have a sandwich night too. I hope this helps give you some ideas. Love your blog!

  7. Thank you so much for your advice Barbara. It is sound. May God bless you and keep you in Jesus' name.
    You are so kind. Please write to me again!


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane