Thursday, May 13, 2021

Letting Things Go

Hello ladies,

 I find myself thinking about some of the things we see at garage sales. Recently, I went to a garage sale that was being held for a lady who was elderly. The things she held onto were pitiful. So, if I hold onto things too long, will people be thinking the same thing about me? Better to get rid of things while someone still wants them. Even if that's not your children. Even one Walmart bag a week can make a big difference. I'm working on it. 

Let's seize now. Carpe diem. Seize the day! Not last week, last year, or last decade!



  1. I agree totally and have been making serious effort in this area. I've wondered about my family's reaction if something should happen to me and they find that I've held onto clothes from 25 years/30 pounds ago. Even if I fit into them again, would I really want to? They are gorgeous, but dated and I would deserve new things. Also, how many books and crystal glasses does one person need? I'm trying to use a critical eye and pretend I'm seeing things from someone else's perspective if they just enter my house for the first time. I'm trying to weed out the stuff that's past it and bless others with the good things that are left. I have a whole new appreciation for empty drawers and clean surfaces.

  2. I think about this often. I have gotten rid of a lot - but still so much left. I don't want anyone else to have to do it.

  3. Deb in FL (formerly in Carthage!)May 13, 2021 at 5:37 PM

    My life motto! Unfortunately, it is not my mom's motto! ;) It is always funny how I think my stuff is great, then when we have a garage sale, it looks like junk and no one buys it! haha

    1. Some of us are just keepers my friend. I hope you can somehow work through that with her.
      I'll check out that article.
      Hugs to you! Laura

  4. I couldn’t agree more! I love antiques but have figured out I am not the museum and not responsible for saving it all 😆

    1. That's a great way to put it Lady Locust. I think I have lots of things that I felt like I needed to keep just for the family museum. Things the kids don't even care about!Blessings,Laura

  5. I’m doing that very thing. I cook differently than I used to so this week I’ve been going through my cabinets and setting aside things I don’t think I’ll really need.
    The plus is I love opening cabinets that aren’t stuffed full.
    I also think having an uncluttered home will help us stay in our home -I hope I never need to move to a nursing and I think keeping our home decluttered could help with that.

    1. Hi Rhonda, I find that the places that I have truly decluttered make me feel happy when I open them or look at them. I must get to that garage!!!Blessings,Laura

  6. You are so in tune with my thinking these days. I feel the same way and am earnestly trying to declutter my sewing room!!

    1. Go for it friend! I've got the sewing area done. Now I need to finish my office area. I'm making progress!

  7. I went to a church yard sale last week. There were hundreds of not very lovely what nots, stacks and boxes of old smoky looking cook books, piles of dishes that were smoked up from years of being in uncleaned cabinets they looked stained with tobacco looking stains on the china that was not a good quality to begin with. There were at least 25 big tubs this stuff came out of, not to mention old ratty not nice Christmas decor and smelly old shoes and clothes.
    One of the workers who is a former extension agent told me it all came out of one persons house. I told her "who would want to dust it?" She whispered back "who would want to even wash it?"
    The kind of stuff that makes you want to run home screaming and in fear you are becoming a hoarder, and it was the kind that makes you feel dirty even looking at it. Oh Laura, I have lost probably 89% of our belongings due to our circumstances the last few years but I can honestly say I am Not trying to take it with me! And I can say Sheweeew. I am glad that woman's stuff was not mine!
    Hugs ;)

    1. Oh, Annie, you nearly made my skin crawl with your description. I am even more inspired to get through the stuff!Blessings,Laura


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Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!