Saturday, February 12, 2022

A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage #174

 Welcome to another thrifty week at Harvest Lane Cottage. I am glad you've found me! Each week I share my thrifty and frugal projects, ways of saving money, frugal cooking, and my blessings from God. 


  • My husband and I talked seriously about our garden plans. What do we actually need most? What will we eat? What do we want to eat a lot of? Hello tomatoes!
  • My husband is painting our sunroom a creamy beige. It's been the same old dingy white since we moved in a couple of years ago. It's amazing what a little paint can do. This is thrifty, because my husband bought this paint a few months ago from the paint store. They had a few cans of beigey colors that had been returned. They were all different shades. They mixed them all together in a five gallon bucket and sold the paint to him for $10! What an incredible savings!
  • I made chicken soup with leftovers from the fridge including some leftover chicken, broth, and veggies. A bay leaf and some rosemary gave it a nice taste. 
  • Handwashed some laundry and took some to the laundromat. This is thrifty, because it is helping us avoid a loan for a dryer and the interest and payments involved.
  • I substituted at the high school for two days.
  • I wrote letters on stationery I received as a gift.
  • I had my teeth cleaned, and the dentist fixed my chipped tooth at no extra charge! What a blessing!
  • I gave a book to a friend to take to another friend in Mexico. They were new kids' books that I received for review from Zonderkidz. 
  • I also sent a bib that I made from scraps of dress fabric to a new mom in Mexico through the same friend. 


I found that I was out of the house too much this week to be intentional about money saving. When I was home, I was focusing on cleaning. I need to make a list of frugal to do's that I can do in the moments I do have available. I'm not sure yet whether working as a substitute is actually helping our overall budget. It wears me out, and I don't find myself as productive at home, because I need some recovery time energy wise and mentally. Age I guess. ~smile~ I am planning on switching to older students and see how that goes. I'm planning to continue until the end of the school year, then evaluate.


Well everyone, that was my thrifty blessed week What are you doing in your homes?


 Do not give in to fear about circumstances. God has not given us a spirt of fear but power and of love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

 We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Philipians 4:13

 This is the time to get in God's word and pray. 

 You may give share prayer requests with me in the comments or by email.

God is so good.
Praise God!

What have you been up to lately?

Blessed to be a blessing

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Please share!

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  1. I wish we were better at painting because it sure makes a difference but we are both horrible painters. Yay for your husband finding the deal on the paint and getting it on the walls!

  2. Hi Laura , I wanted to ask if you have looked into a used washer and dryer? The ones I'm using now I paid 200 for together and I've had them going on six years.
    The last used at I purchased I used
    10 years and they went with the house I sold. With the cost of new ones being so expensive,it's a thought. Trips to the laundry mat
    are ridiculously expensive.

  3. Sounds like a good week. Tomatoes are a good part of our garden also. Soup, sauce, stewed all yum!

  4. I am sure you will get into a good routine for out of home days and frugality with that. I think your idea of changing to older students might be a good one. I have been partying with family these past few days. Two birthday celebrations. Plus watching one grandchild while the parents celebrated their anniversary. I am glad to have small children in the home to help keep her occupied because I do not know where I would have found energy to host a big birthday party and take care of her if they were not around. (lol) Have a good Sunday!

  5. Enjoy your blog and creative ideas. Keeps me on track with budget - If only hubby wouldn't go crazy in grocery store.

  6. Enjoy your blog and creative ideas. Keeps me on track with budget - If only hubby wouldn't go crazy in grocery store.

  7. I subbed for about 10 years. I found the easiest ages to sub for was from about third grade through middle school. If you become a sub that is at the school often, the kids get to know you and will often look forward to the days you are there. Kindergarten through second grade kids are still pretty "needy" and high schoolers are so independent that it seemed they would just ignore me. A lot of subs don't like middle school age kids (young teens) but I really liked them. I feel like you can really make a difference in a child's life. Just my thoughts.


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor