Thursday, November 23, 2023

My Fall Reading List 2023 ~ Updated

 Hello Everyone!

 I thought I'd just pop in and let you know how I did with my Fall Reading List this time. I finished nearly every book I planned with the exception of The Hawthorne Legacy. I also read or listened to some extra books. The final results follow. 

Fall Reading List

I enjoy many Autumn activities, but one of my favorite is reading. Can't find time to read?  You should try what I call "snatch reading".  Five minutes here, five minutes there. It works well, especially if you're only reading one book and use a post it note to keep track of what paragraph you're reading. Once upon a time, it was the only reading I did.  I have to admit, I cannot limit myself to one at a time. I love to have at least one audio book in my Scribd app, a book on my Kindle, and real paper books going as well. Taking a book along everywhere gives you the chance to snatch a free moment to read a bit. Beats scrolling! 

Here's my Fall List:

Books I am Reading

The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes ~ I ordered this through interlibrary loan, but I was unable to read it quickly enough. I had to return it. I'll add it back to my request list so that I can finish it this winter.

These are the additional books that I am reading or listening to as of Thanksgiving night.

  • I'll Start Again Monday
  • Sherlock: The Essential Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Little House in the Big Woods 

Books I've Finished

Yours Cheerfully by AJ Pearce ~ Finished on Everand. Interesting novel about a lady journalist writing about and helping English War workers in WWII England.

Just Open the Door by Jen Schmidt ~ Just finished ~ Challenging!

Mrs. Sharp's Traditions fall section by Sarah Ban Breathnachs ~ Done

A Royal Christmas A Christmas Novella by Melody Carlson Read and reviewed.

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis  

Plaid and Plagiarism by Molly MacRae 

Creating a Simply Joyous Christmas by Melissa L. AuClaire 

The Tailor of  Gloucester by Beatrix Potter  

God's Story in 66 Verses by Stan Guthrie 

Crewel and Unusual: A Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery by Molly MacRae ~ Finished listening on Everand

John Adams by David McCullough ~  I finished listening on Scribd.  It was really long.

Stranded (Ivy Malone Mystery) by Lorena McCourtney ~ Completed

Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar and her husband

The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst

To Helvetica and Back by Paige Shelton

The Tailor of Gloucester by Beatrix Potter

I listened to several other books, too, 

Fall weather is great for a little porch reading with a nice cup of something hot.

Happy reading friends!


*I signed up for a free trial of Everand in February 2019. It's an app where you can read or listen to books for just $11.99 a month with no limit.  

I kept the plan, because we really use it and like it a lot. We especially like the extensive list of audio books. Take a look. If you sign up from this link, you can get a two free months trial, and I'll get one month free, too.

Find me online here:

Laura Lane on Goodreads
2023  60 Finished Books
Goal 51
HarvestLaneLaura  on Ravelry
@lauraofharvestlane on Instagram
Paypal donations: 
Address available by email


  1. I've been "reading", (listening), to books from the library. I'm on the last book of a mystery series that I listened to on the plane to and from London and the entire time I was in bed sick while there. I enjoy listening because then I can knit or crochet at the same time.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Betsy, it sounds like we're kindred spirits. ~smile~
      I'm so sorry you were sick in London. That is rotten.

  2. I am an avid reader. I always have a book in my purse, a pile by my chair in the livingroom and a pile on the table beside my bed. My husband says it's an addiction he can live with especially since he gets me gift certificates for book stores for my birthday, mother's day and Christmas.

    1. Hi Ellen,
      Oh wow! What a wonderful husband you have. He knows you and what you'd like best. Love it!
      Be blessed!

  3. I was just thinking about reading more books this fall and winter. I love getting lost in the pages of the book I am reading. Thank you for sharing your list with us.

    1. You're welcome. I hope you do lose yourself in some pages this fall. ~smile~


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!