Friday, September 29, 2023

REVIEW: A Royal Christmas A Christmas Novella by Melody Carlson


A Royal Christmas
A Christmas Novella 
Melody Carlson

When I saw that Melody Carlson had written a new Christmas novella, I jumped on the chance to read A Royal Christmas. When it arrived, I was so excited! I've spent the last couple of days immersed in this novella every chance I get. ~smile~ That meant instrumental  Christmas music, candlelight, a hot drink, and a beautifully bound book. I felt so spoiled when I opened the cover, and the flyleaves were embossed! Luxurious ~ fit for a princess!

A Royal Christmas is a relaxing read. It's definitely a Hallmarky or Princess Diaries type story. It's a type that's been done before, but Melody Carlson puts a lovely spin on it. Wouldn't we all have loved to find out we were fairy tale princesses? It's light and charming... just perfect for holiday reading.

One of the things I enjoyed most was the inclusion and explanations of Montovia's Christmas customs. I hadn't known of Krampus before for instance. The descriptions of the locabtion were heart warming. 

Another thing I appreciated was the Christian focus of the book. After all, Christmas is about Jesus Christ.

I've enjoyed every Melody Carlson Christmas novella I've read. This one is a little different from previous books, but I think it's well-written. I found myself turning pages quickly. Quite an enjoyable novella. 

ABOUT:  Adelaide Smith is too busy for fairy tales. She's been working hard to put herself through law school and now that the end is in sight, she's determined to stay focused on her goals. Then she receives a letter notifying her that she has been found through a DNA registry to be a direct descendant of King Maximillian V, the ruler of a small Eastern European principality called Montovia. She's understandably skeptical. This is the stuff of cheesy made-for-TV movies, not real life.

Although the pieces of this surprising family puzzle seem too good to be true, curiosity gets the best of her. At the king's invitation, Adelaide embarks on a Christmas break trip that is chock-full of surprises, including a charming village, an opulent palace, family mysteries, royal jealousies, a handsome young member of Parliament--and the chance at a real fairy tale romance with a happily-ever-after ending.

Spend this Christmas with bestselling author Melody Carlson as she whisks you away to a royal holiday you'll never forget!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

I use the Goodreads star system.
★               Did not like it
★★            It was okay
★★★         Liked it
★★★★      Really liked it
★★★★★   It was amazing

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  1. This sounds like a fabulous book and one that I would greatly enjoy reading. I love that you listened to Christmas music and had a nice drink while reading it.

  2. It is good to hear of a story that remembers Christmas is about Jesus Christ.

  3. Sounds like a good read. I've never read Melody Carlson's books, I just may have to check this one out. I see you are almost to your goal. Congratulations!

  4. Sounds like a great way to get in a Christmas mood:) It is actually my husband who LOVES these royal themed Christmas stories (and movies)!:)


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Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!