Monday, May 6, 2019

The Secret Revealed

Hello everyone!

I can now reveal the secret why my internet is going to be hit or miss. We are having it disconnected, because we are going to move to a new home.

We've lived here at the cottage for nearly ten years, but it's time to move into what we expect to be our forever home. I'll share some photos after we close in a couple of weeks. 

When I began using the internet on a regular basis, I was Laura of Harvest Lane Farm. We lived on 27 acres near the Missouri Kansas border in Southern Missouri. We then moved to town to a little bungalow in Kansas. I chose to keep Laura of Harvest Lane and called it Harvest Lane Cottage. When we moved to Missouri a few years later, I kept the name Harvest Lane Cottage when I began blogging in 2007.  After a move to the country, I still kept the name. Even though we are now moving for what I hope is the last time, I will probably keep the name. It just makes it easier for blogging's sake. If I change my mind, y'all will be the first to know.

I'm rather excited about the move. It's a modest home, but it has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. That will be wonderful. We won't have to do a lot of work when we move in. We can just pick and choose our projects. That's wonderful!

Well, by the time you read this, most likely my internet will be turned off. I don't have a laptop, but I do have a Kindle Fire. I probably won't post for a bit, but I will be able to read comments when I can get to wi-fi. 

I'll catch up with y'all near the end of May if not earlier.
Happy May!

P.S. I'll be 54 on the 12th! 
As a breast cancer survivor,
every birthday is reason to celebrate!


  1. Oh how exciting!!! Can't wait to see pics of your new place!

  2. I'm so excited for you Laura :) Can't wait to see your new home. We've been renovating our house, so I've been very busy too and need to get back to blogging!. Happy upcoming birthday to you as well. I am so thankful you are a cancer survivor. Lord be praised. ~ Blessings to you - Linda

  3. I can't wait to see you make your new place a home. I'm excited for you!

  4. Physical addresses are always useful. (Smile.) I wish you every blessing in your new home.

  5. What a blessing! Congrats on the new home. May you and your family enjoy it and build many precious memories. Happy soon to come birthday :)

  6. How exciting for you! Many, many blessings in your new home. Hope we get a tour!

  7. I will be waiting to seethe pictures of the new home.
    God Bless

  8. Dear Laura,
    Well! Busy, busy, busy.Moving isn't an easy thing. But so excited for you and your soon to be "forever home". Early "Happy Blessed Birthday!" Will be looking forward to hearing of your moving "adventure" and seeing pics. Your posts are such a blessing to me.

    Love to you

  9. How exciting!!!!!!!!!!
    So happy for you, my lovely friend!
    Hugs and love!

  10. How wonderful to move into a new home. I want to wish you an early Happy Birthday and a Happy Mother's Day because Mother's Day is on your birthday this year. Wishing a blessed 54th birthday and may God give you many blessings throughout the year!

  11. Moving to a new home is always exciting, I can't wait for pictures.

  12. Just catching up so wonderful to read your news. Hope all goes well.

  13. Debby in Kansas, USAMay 7, 2019 at 3:28 PM

    Congrats on your new home! Take your time putting everything away. I'll pass on my best received advice. When you first get in, set up and make your bed immediately!!! You will be SO grateful when the day ends, you're completely exhausted, & all you have to do is lay down! I've used that advice on both my adult moves and have been so grateful to the woman that told me that!!!

  14. Happy Birthday to us,
    Happy Birthday to us,
    Happy Birthday Laura and Lana,
    Happy Birthday to us!

    ( I will be 59! And we are in the middle of negotiations on our last house, too!)

    And Happy Mother's Day!

  15. Have a safe move! I'm excited to hear about and see the new place once you are settled in. :)

  16. So very happy for you Laura!! Ain't God good!! Just think of all the exciting new opportunities you'll get to enjoy in your new home and community! Giggles of Glee for you dear lady. Happy Happy Birthday..and to have it fall on Mother's Day this year..double the blessing. Gentle hugs across the miles, Karla

  17. Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day!!!
    I'm SO excited for you!

    Praising The Lord,
    Kellylynn <3

  18. Oh blessings to you! I am finally trying to catch up a bit as we also moved (2 days before Christmas!) It's sure a lot of work but really is wonderful. Wishing you so many happy memories yet to be made:-)

  19. Laura, I really hope you will keep Harvest Lane Cottage as it is a perfect symbol for you. When I drop by your blog, it's always like dropping in on family like we did when I was a kid in the 50's and 60's. Back then, folks just dropped by (minding not to stop in at dinner time) and visited for a spell...and that's what happens when I come by here. Your blog is always nurturing, like getting a cup of tea and learning about something or just chatting a little to keep our spirits up. I love that you both are now blessed with better health and a new house to make over into your forever home.


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!