Wednesday, March 12, 2025

On my Needles ~ March 12, 2025

Saturday was the day that I started slowing down. Sunday, I realized I was getting sick. Monday, I was sick. Tuesday, I spent in bed. What was the problem? I caught cold. I was feeling so happy that I'd missed having a cold this winter even though others around me had colds and flu. Oh well, I suppose it happens to all of us. 

Now it's Wednesday, and I'm slowly on the mend. All this to say, it's not been a very productive week. Nevertheless, here's what's been on and off my needles this week. ~smile~

Knitting:  I haven't felt very motivated to knit this past week. Sometimes, when I figure out what the yarn is going to to, I lose interest in a project. This is the first merino wool pair of socks that I've knitted. It feels great in my hands. I'm not sure, however, how well they will wear since they have no nylon or polymide to reinforce the yarn. I shall see. ~smile~ I really like the socks. I decided to make shorty socks so that I can wear them with my tennis shoes and my casual solid purple dress. I've just begun the ribbing on the first sock. The colors pooled that way on the heel by themselves. I used the Fish Lips Kiss heel pattern as I do for most of my socks. 

Sewing:  I'm working on my bag making skills. I'm starting with fabric that I have on hand. As my skills improve, I'll begin buying fabric. Do you have a favorite place to buy whimsical or floral fabrics?

The first bag is the perfect size for a single sock or notions. I used cotton quilt batting that I quilted to the front and back of the bag. 

The second bag is one that I made using a piece of patchwork that I had leftover from making tea wallets a few years ago. I sold them on etsy at the time. I'm hoping to open my etsy shop again this fall. I used the patchwork to measure the other pieces. Looking back, I don't think that I would use the quilt batting for something this small again. It made it too bulky. It's a bit tight to use for a card wallet. I suppose I'll probably put change or stitch markers and mini scissors in it. That also means that I need to try to make a card wallet again. 

Too plain!

Old buttons to the rescue!

It's a little squishy, but it does lay flat. 

Well, that's all for this week. I'll no doubt finish the first striped sock and cast on the next sock this coming week. Beyond that? I'm not yet sure. 

Today's Questions:
1. What do you have on your needles?

2. Do you like it better when I post about my reading and stitching together? See link to an example below.

I'm about to go hunt through my stash to find out what's next!

Happy Winter ending or beginning!

Thankful for gifts from God and doing what I can with what I've got where I am!

*Image by Syssea80 from Pixabay

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This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane