Saturday, October 26, 2024

An Autumn Weekend


Graphic by Twin Creek Primitives

Good weekend to you!

I am very happy to be spending my Saturday at home this week. I'm just plugging away at some things on my to do list that really must get to done. ~ smile ~ It's a chilly day, just 62°. It's not cool enough for the heater; but, truthfully, I would put my sweater on if it weren't at the other end of the house. I know that if I get up from this computer, I won't get back to it for awhile. In fact, I have just five minutes before I need to help my husband with a project for awhile. 

Some of the things that I'm doing today:

~ A little housework and laundry

~ Some reviews on Amazon. Here's my public profile if you'd like to see some items that I've reviewed. 

~ A little writing including this blog post

~ I'm making a pot of black beans and smoked pork for supper. I'm sure I'll make a pan of cornbread to eat with it. 

~ I'm going to spend a bit of time cleaning and organizing my workroom. I'm tempted to take before and after photos, but I might be too scared to show them. ~ giggle ~

~ A little time in the dungeon—I mean garage. I'm tackling it one item at a time. 

This evening, we're going to watch The Christmas Charade on the Hallmark Channel on the Frndly TV app. Frndly doesn't work on our LG tv, so we'll have to either cast it from my husband's IPhone or watch it on the computer. 

Well, I've spent a bit more than my five minutes, so I'm off to help Lowell with a bit of a project first. 

Have a fabulous fall weekend!

Very happy to be home!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A Little Randomness ~ 1972

 Last summer, I began using a random number generator to choose a year between 1969, when I have my first memories, to 2024.  So far, I've written about 1996, 1998, 1978, 2004, and 1973

 Wow! I had no idea that this was going to set off a chain reaction of others' memories of the same years. 

 This time the random number generator chose 1972. I was a little girl then. We lived in Westland, Michigan. It's a suburb of Detroit. We lived in a ranch style house in a neighborhood that backed up to a large wooded lot. To me, it was a forest! The elementary school was at the opposite side of the block. I'll be honest. I was very young. I remember where we lived and things that happened when we lived there, but I went to first grade and part of second grade while we lived there. I could be mixing it up a bit. 

Here are some random memories in no particular order:

~ Early in the morning, before school, we had to stand in lines outside the school. We were waiting for our teachers to come and get us. One morning, a teacher asked for a volunteer to sharpen pencils. My hand shot up since I enjoyed using the pencil sharpener. This made me late to class, and I got in trouble with my teacher. How could I have known that would happen?

~ Once a week, after school, they had a Bible club. I enjoyed it very much. There were flannel graph stories, songs, and snacks. This is where I asked Jesus into my heart. I asked Jesus to forgive me for hitting my brother, John. Each week, we had a memory verse. Of all the verses I memorized, only John 3:16 stayed with me. Thank you, Jesus! Later, after years of being unchurched and sinned, I would remember that verse. It was one thing God used to bring me to salvation on January 1, 1980. More on that when I randomly get to 1980. 

~ On the playground, boys chased girls one day, and girls chased boys on other days. 

~ I loved swinging. They had a big swingset. I remember we'd swing as high as we could, pumping our legs, and leaning backward. One time, when I leaned backward, I remember falling off the swing and hitting my head. Ouch! I lived to tell about it; but, when I think about it, that might explain some things. Giggle. 

~ I remember being deep in conversation with my mom while I was breaking up a Gainesburger for our Dachshund Greta. Absentmindedly, I put a piece in my mouth. YUCK!

~ I attended a Halloween party and bobbed for apples. I put my head clear into the water, but I couldn't catch one of those little bobbing gems. 

~ I was in a school play. My mom sewed a tiger costume for me. 

~ We made crepe paper flowers for the same play. Funny thing, I have no idea what the play was about.

~ Gunsmoke was a favorite t.v. show.

~ A favorite party game was to drop clothespins into a canning jar from a standing position. The winner was the one who got the most pins in the jar. 

~ I had a crush on David Cassidy of the Partridge Family.

~ Mom and Grandma Mamie recorded cassette tapes and sent them back and forth through the mail. John and I would talk to Grandma on them. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have some of those tapes! Back then, it was a way to avoid the very high cost of long-distance phone calls. That was back before unlimited cell phone calls. When we received a tape, we'd listen, then record over it, and send it back. 

~ My mom was room mother in my class.

~ Mom dressed up in my Dad's baseball uniform for Halloween.

~ We moved to Topeka, Kansas, somewhere in Indian Territory, at Christmas time during 2nd grade. When we arrived, I fully expected to see cowboys and Indians everywhere!

~ I played Barbie dolls on the sidewalk in the neighborhood with other girls.

~ We had a lot of fun flying the helicopters from the maple trees.

~ I loved riding my bike. 

~ Grandma and Grandpa gave me a Sleeping Beauty watch. It was my first watch.

~ My favorite song was American Pie.

~ I remember writing back and forth to Grandma Bern. I also remember her and Aunt JoAnn coming for a visit.

~ My brother John and I took turns having little Greta sleep with us. 

~ I had metal roller skates to wear over my shoes. They came with a key to lock them in place to the right size. I thought that this song was about my roller skates! 

~ I got my first transistor radio and listened all the time. Thus began my love of music.

Well, that's all for now. 

Please share what you remember... if you're old enough!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Autumn is...

I love Autumn. It has long been my favorite time of year. We live in Carthage, the Maple Leaf City.

Fall means the Maple Leaf Festival and the biggest parade in the four states.

Fall means pumpkins! A few years ago, my family lived in the country and had a pumpkin patch. I loved everything about it. I loved seeing the baby pumpkins as they formed and grew. I loved harvesting them. I loved selling them and the craft items I'd made. The name Harvest Lane came from our farm, Harvest Lane Farm. I'd been Laura of Harvest Lane online for awhile; so, when we moved to town, we called our home Harvest Lane Cottage.

Autumn is fresh apple cider with mulling spices, chai latte tea, homemade cocoa, soup simmering on the stove, bread baking in the oven, the smells of pumpkin and cinnamon coming from my oven or my favorite candles.

Autumn is snuggling up with a good book while I listen to the rain falling outside.

Autumn is knitting a wheat gold sweater for my grandson.

Autumn means reading a few Christmas books before the Christmas rush begins.

Fall means planning for Christmas gifts, sneaking in a little Christmas music while I'm working, and 

creating for for friends and family.

What is fall to you?

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
Enjoying my favorite season