Thursday, October 29, 2009

Puffy Eyes and Provision

It's been an interesting week. We literally got down to zero money zero income a few days ago. I needed laundry soap and dish soap and gas. I laid out my requests to the LORD. The same day a check came in the mail for $25. We were able to buy all the things I needed. I even had $1 left over! Yay God!

Saturday evening, we went to a big fish fry. There were over 200 people there. It was a great time of fish, food, music, and fellowship. While there, a group of friends were standing together talking about my daughter's eyes. They were puffy and red. I was planning on taking her to the doctor Monday to have them looked at. She'd had an allergic reaction to something in the woods. My Friend Joy suggested Benedryl. We go to church together; so, I asked her if she had any. She didn't; but, her husband and another friend's husband each gave me $5 dollars! Wow! Enough to put gas in the car again, get the Benedryl generic, ibuprofen and cough drops! Praise God.

Emily's eyes are looking much better already. Thank you God!

Isn't it funny how perspectives on money change when one is in a situation like this?

Lowell is working a couple of odd jobs this week; so, we should have gas money next week and hopefully be able to pay the phone bill as well!

Have a wonderful week!

Blessed Beyond the Stress


  1. God does provide! Keeping you in prayers that life gets better for you soon. Hugs!

  2. HE is so Faithful!!!!....provides even the little things.
    Blessings to you and yours...♥

  3. Still praying and remembering my difficult times. The verse in the 23rd Psalms that says the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want...I have leaned on & stood on so many many times. I know you are doing the same, yet I am pulled to standing with you. I so agree with you - "Blessed Beyond Stress", amen!

    I send you my love - I send you a hug such as it is from these miles. Thankfully our Saviour is closer to you than I am and I know you can really feel His hug!

    Bushels of Blessings,
    love, Ruthanne


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane