Monday, July 8, 2013

Why We Homeschool

Someone recently asked me why we homeschool.  This is what I told her.

I was trained as a teacher in college.  I didn't find a position right out of school, so I went to work in insurance.  When my first son was born, after much prayer and many discussions with my husband, we decided that I'd be a stay-at-home mom until he started school. 

As school age approached, I became aware of homeschooling through Dr. James Dobson's Focus on the Family radio program and through some books that crossed my path. After research and prayer, my husband and I became convicted that it was God's will for our family to homeschool.  My son also had some special needs that we felt could be handled best in a home environment.  We've been homeschooling since 1995.

So, here are some of our reasons:

1.  We believe that God gave us, as parents, the responsibility to teach and train our children. 

2.  We believe that we are to protect the innocence of our children as well as physically protect our children.

3.  We believe our family is closer because we live life together on a daily basis.

When our family grew, our little school did as well. I've found that there are some advantages:

1.  Learning takes place at each child's pace rather than trying to keep up with a class or wait for a class.

2.  Children thrive with individual attention.

3.  Negative influences from peers are limited.

4.  I can teach them truth from God's Word as absolute truth.  All other subjects, especially science, are viewed from that biblical perspective.

5.  My children are better socialized than school children.  They know how to interact with adults and children well.  Homeschool groups and church provide playmates. 

6.  They have more time for following individual interests.  One of my daughters writes worship songs and participates on our worship and dance teams at church.  One of my sons is teaching himself to make knives and raises animals.  My youngest enjoys sewing and crafts.

7.  They're not afraid of speaking in front of people.

8.  Homeschooling works well for families that have fathers who work unusual hours as well.

These are some reasons we homeschool; but, ultimately, we homeschool because that is what God called us to do.
You can find more information about homeschooling at That's the Homeschool Legal Defense Association.

Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,


  1. Success with your homeschooling. :) Linda

  2. Laura thank you for an honest and revealing post - I have known a few people who have home-schooled their children but you have really set out clearly and intelligently why you do and why it works so well for your lovely family. You are an inspiration Laura - I salute you - God Bless you and your wonderful family Laura.
    Lots of love as always

  3. I believe your convictions are scriptural and God does honor are sacrifices of obedience, Our children are the treasures He has intrusted to us. Homeschooled children are some of the most sought after applicants for colleges. Wonder why that is??
    No brainier (really)
    Blessings, Roxy

  4. Hi Roxy,

    Thank you for your kind words and support. I do love how independent my children are becoming in their learning. It will help them be lifelong learners.

    I'm coming for a quick visit to your blog while supper cooks.

    Blessings to you,

  5. Hi Dorothy,
    If I didn't know better, I'd think you were my momma-in-love in disguise. She's just as supportive and encouraging as you are.

    Thank you! Sometimes, in the midst of it all, one needs to remember why one does what one does. Funny sentence, isn't it?

    Blessings to you,

  6. I've known a few homeschooled kids. I think they are some of the most confident, down-to-earth people. They seem to have a firm handle on who they are. Good job!! Have a lovely day!
    Neighbors About Town Blog

  7. Hi Neighbor Chick,
    It's a lot easier to homeschool now than when we started, because most people know at least one homeschooler.

  8. Dear Laura,

    Your blog is truly lovely.

    I hope to visit again soon.



  9. Hi Sue,

    Just came back from perusing your blog. Thanks so much for dropping in and for your sweet comment. It's a pleasure to meet you.

    Blessings to you in your retirement,

  10. Laura, I love your post! I know God smiles on your little school. Keep them innocent as long as you can. Whatever they are "missing" is better missed. Praying blessings for you.

    Linda at The French Hens Nest

  11. Hi Laura,

    You've done a a great job of articulating why your family chose to homeschool. I wrote a similar article for the Mardel homeschool website. i thought I'd share the link to encourage you. Blessings as you prepare for a new homeschool year!

  12. I think it's commendable that you home school your children. I could have done that with two of mine but not all three. One of them would have driven me bonkers!
    I thank the good Lord that he has turned out well though in spite of all his problems caused by ADHD. He is very successful today and a wonderful husband and father because he using his extreme energy for good.
    I highly recommend home schooling for those families that can handle it. For those who can't, there is Christian education which we opted for. Thank you for sharing at my HOME and enjoy the rest of your week.


  13. Thanks so much for linking up at my Homemaking Party---it was a pleasure to have you link your thoughtful post! I'll have the new party up in just a few but I wanted to let you know I'll be featuring this post this week.

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  14. Dear Mrs. Coller,

    You have just blessed me! I didn't know whether the post would fit in or not. I just took a chance. I'm going to make a copy of this post for each of my children to read before we begin the year. I don't think they know the whys.

    Thanks so much for featuring me. It is a great honor. I'm going to pop over to your blog for just a few minutes before bed.

    Blessings to you from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  15. You are so right Sandi. Christian education is a great option. I'm glad you found the right way for your family.

    Blessings to you!

  16. Hi Lori,

    I'm happy to share your link. I especially like the opportunity to live at a slower pace. After the Joplin tornado, I appreciated the freedom to rearrange our schedule as well.

    Blessings to you,

  17. Thank you so much Linda!

    There's so much pressure about sheltering my children. Innocence once lost is lost forever.

    I'll be stopping by for a visit at your blog later today.

    Blessings to you!

  18. We've been homeschooling since 1996 and I can relate to the many reasons for homeschooling you write about today. In a few weeks we'll start again...only one student left. The rest have graduated and gone on to other things. Totally worth the effort. I came over from Grace At Home link party.

  19. Hello Calista,

    It's so nice to meet you. I'll be over in a few minutes to visit you at A House and a Yard. It's always so nice to meet other homeschoolers.

    My oldest is 22. My 15 and 13 year olds are at a day camp this week. My youngest is 11. We're here all alone getting a taste of what it will be like before we know it.

    I was struck the other day with how lonely it will be when my daughters leave home. Praise God for the telephone! ~smile~

    Thanks so much for visiting and for taking the time to "talk back" to me.

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  20. My sister homeschools and she loves it!
    Thanks for sharing at Tuesdays with a Twist!
    Hope to see you again this week.

  21. I started homeschooling in 1997 I know it is what God wants me to do. After moving to Tennessee my children did go to school, after two years my boys wanted to come back home, but my daughter went all 4 years to high school.

    My 16 year old asks to go to school, but after what I saw my daughter go through and the changes she had to make to survive that environment, no way.

    Thanks for sharing on Tuesdays With a Twist.

  22. Hi Mary,
    Would that be Laura Smith? I just wrote to her this morning.

  23. Hi Laura, I feel that homeschooling is a big responsibility. Sounds like you are well qualified. It isn't for everyone, but I do think that it is so much better for some children. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  24. You're right, Jann. It's not for everybody. It's not easy. It's a big commitment.

    Blessings to you!

  25. These are excellent reasons! I was homeschooled from 4th-12th grade and even did some college work at home. I am hoping to homeschool my kids as well. It's growing more and more acceptable where I live now.

  26. Hi Rosilind,

    I know what you mean. It's much more acceptable in the area I live in, too. My oldest child at home is 15. I'm thinking about college and wondering how I can help her. That's going to take some research.

    Blessings to you!


  27. My little boy is 2 1/2. I still have some time, but I keep leaning towards homeschooling when the time comes for many of the same reasons you listed! :)

  28. Laura,

    You said this perfectly! Amen to everything single one. I'm so thankful for having the privilege and responsibility of homeschooling my children! We are blessed!

    Great post!

  29. Hi Stephanie,
    It's a very individual and important decision. I urge you to pray pray pray about it. God will lead you in the right path for your family. If you're teaching your child now, you're already a homeschooler!

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  30. Hi Tammy,
    It is a great privilege. Right now, though, it seems like a chore to figure out what we're going to do and how we're going to do it next year. ~smile~


  31. After teaching our children to live Godly lives, I believe homeschooling is paramount to their well-being, better for them spiritually, mentally and physically! The Lord Bless you and your family. :)

  32. You are so right Mrs. Magnolia, my children would be different if they'd gone to school.

  33. I so wish I was homeschooled. Your children are very blessed to be homeschooled. There are so many negative influences at school.

    When I am a mom someday, Lord willing, I will homeschool.

  34. Hi Ty,

    I've just been to your blog. It is so obvious that you are reaching for God's will in your life. Homeschooling has been a great option for our family. You are proof that you don't have to be homeschooled to be serious about God and following hard after Him. I pray God will give you the desires of your heart as you seek Him with your whole heart.

    Mrs. Laura

  35. Homeschooling is an amazing option! We did so with ours for several years and it was such an amazing experience for us all.

    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  36. My husband has worked odd hours, traveled, worked in ministry, and now has a cafe/bakery, Cindy. Homeschooling just works so much better for our family for that and a number of other reasons.

  37. Hi Laura, my list would be the exact same! :) Thank you for sharing it on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! I hope it inspires others to try it!


  38.  Aw, a lady after my own heart!
    Thanks for talking back, Jes. I'll be over for a visit in a few minutes.

  39. Thanks for sharing this post on the Art of Home-Making Mondays. It has been featured this week :)

    Happy Monday to you!

  40. How exciting! Thanks, Jes!

  41. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


  42. Never give up on Homeschooling! I live in a State that has a big population of Homeschooled kids, and having worked in the industry, I see the benefits first-hand. My daughter attended online college, and unless I had worked in online education, I would have never thought it was an option.

    Homeschooling is like breastfeeding. The more you do it, the kids get stronger, and your bond with them grows stronger.

  43. While I know not everyone can, I believe whole-heartedly in homeschooling. May God bless you as you fulfill God's calling in this area.


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane