Monday, December 7, 2020

Why I Began Blogging and Why I Continue

Once upon a time, long long ago, I wanted to be a writer. 

I began blogging in 2007. It was actually because my husband pushed me into it. ~smile~ I had always wanted to write, but I didn't think I had anything to say. I'm wasn't an expert on anything. My very first blog post was about Christmas and how we celebrated in an unconventional way because of circumstances. That was my first post

I ended up writing a lot about homemaking in the beginning and just what was going on in our life. I found writing about trials, and how God and ingenuity and making do helped me through, became a common theme. I chose honesty in my writing over trying to create a persona or a perfect life illusion. That's continued through job losses, loss of a home, homeschooling, and breast cancer.

Sharing our family's struggles, while keeping hope and faith alive, seemed to hit a note with ladies. There is something about being authentic that makes one approachable, believable, trustable, and reliable. I hope I've come across as all those things on this blog. I hope you've also realized that I care.

I do care about my readers and friends. I share my struggles, because I know that it helps to know that others have challenges and troubles and yet they make it through with God's help. I don't know about you, but the blogs that I keep going back to are like that. Real ladies living real life with real experience and usually, a real relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Now, in 2020, I feel pressured to change the way I blog. There's such a push to make money by blogging. That was never my intention. It's been more of a fellowship, a place to offer encouragement, and very often, to receive it, from your comments, cards, letters, and gifts. 

Y'all helped me through the hardest time of my life—my breast cancer fight. It's hard to believe it's been three years since I finished chemotherapy. I still have souveniers of the chemo, the surgeries (4), 5 counting the one I just had, and the radiation. I'm still taking a chemo pill daily; but my prognosis is good, and I only have to go to the oncology center every six weeks now.

I want you to enjoy your time here at Harvest Lane Cottage. I want you to know that I care about my blog friends—and I make friends easily—so, please talk back. Share your blog with me. Let's encourage each other and help each other through this rather strange but blessed year 2020... and 2021.

God is not surprised by anything that's happened. He's reaching out to us individually with forgiveness for our sins through his son Jesus. He's promised to never leave those who love him. He is the one who helps us through whatever life throws at us. He is faithful. Let's be faithful to him, too. 

Thank you so much for praying for me through this month of illness and surgery. I'm homebound because of my treatment, but I am doing well.
Hugs to you all,
Still smiling through it all
because GOD is my strength
and my shield.

P.S. At times, I have and will have affiliate links or products for sale, but they are not the purpose of my blog. You are.

My hair is Winner by Raquel Welch.


  1. I love this. I wrote a newsletter at my job to help people watch money and make do. It then turned into a blog when I quit working. I love sharing frugal ways and how life takes us all on a journey that we never imagined.
    My life has changed drastically over the past couple years with the sudden and unexpected loss of my husband - and my readers were there and helped me each step of the way. My extended family.
    Thank you for your honesty and your faith. It is lovely and refreshing to see people not be ashamed of what they believe.
    I will continue to follow.

    Cheryl at Cheryl's Frugal Corner Blog.

    Blessings to you all.

  2. Hi Laura,
    You have a lovely and encouraging blog and I love to visit! Thank you for letting your light shine here. I appreciate you being genuine and true. I pray for you often and am so thankful to have found you.
    Many Blessings this Christmas Season,

  3. Love you hair, it looks so good on you. It is blogs like yours that truly inspire me.

  4. I have enjoyed reading your blog through the years and I hope you don't change a thing. There have been days that your words have lifted me up spiritually, reminding me that God can bear my load for me. I quit blogging because I was getting a lot of looks from Russia, Ukraine and Malaysia. I miss it so. I need to write so that I understand what I think. Sometimes I used it as a brain flush.I also felt the pressure to be perfect and I am far from that. I like what you said about real people doing real life things. I especially loved your series on how you saved money each week. I also love a good recipe! You also wrote about other blogs that you enjoy and I found that very interesting. You are a good story teller. Hang in there and keep writing. ~ jackie

    1. Hi Jackie, I'm afraid I've not done anything specific since I got sick at the beginning of November. I hope to be more purposeful by January... if I'm not having another surgery! I'm so thankful for you being in the journey alongside me. I think you should write. Your blog is for you. You don't have to satisfy anyone else. You can even make it private if you wish.  Hugs to you! Laura

  5. Hi Laura, I've not commented in a while, but that doesn't mean I don't care :-) Each time I see your blog or a post, a quick prayer goes up wishing you well. We've been on the run for multiple reasons, but when we are grounded in God's love, we are okay. Blessings to you and yours this Christmastime.

  6. What a beautiful post, and a beautiful photo of one of my favorite bloggers! Thank you for continuing to write. I come here to be uplifted, encouraged, and calmed. And I always am! Hugs, my friend.

  7. Oh dear faithful Laura at Harvest Lane, Continued prayers for comfort and healing. Thanks for your ever-present Hope.

  8. Very pretty picture of you. Enjoy reading your blog. Hope you keep up the good work. Christmas blessings to you and your family and all year long. Sharon D.

  9. I have been reading your blog for two or three years now...a few affiliate products are not a problem to me, because I am listening to YOU. I do wish you'd do more frugal living posts, though -- particularly those that show how you saved for the past week or two. I am also very fond of the Christmas tale on prayers, discouragement and miracles -- and read that regularly when I get discouraged! Thank you for sharing yourself with us.

    My blog is 'When A Brick Looks At Life:'

  10. I have loved your blog for several years. I enjoy your writing style and your warmth and sincerity come shining thru! Bless you for blessing all of us! Jacci

  11. Thank you for sharing your intentions; I think you have hit the mark with your writing. Your blog is a nice place to be!

  12. Hi Laura, Thank you for your continued uplifting posts. It is a highlight of my day to read your posts. I now save them to read when I have some quiet time to sit down with a cup of coffee and enjoy! :) I have learned so much from you about Faith in God, cooking and frugal living! Continued prayers for your recovery and health. Happy New Year! Michelle Price


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!