Friday, January 29, 2021

Thrifty Things Lately at Harvest Lane Cottage #159


Hello everyone! 

I trust you're having a good week. If you're not, I hope you're looking on the bright side as much as you can. The picture above is one of the original headers that I had way back in the day. I started writing around 2007, and this header came along not too long afterward. A blog friend made if for me, but I just cannot remember who now. The header at the top of the page now is actually a drawing my daughter made when she was a young teen. It's a drawing of the original Harvest Lane Cottage. 

I've always been attracted to bungalows. We've lived in two, but now we live in a 1968 ranch on a quiet drive in town. When I named the first bungalow Harvest Lane Cottage, it was because it was small not because of a decorating style. Truthfully, you could probably call my decorating early American garage sale or marketplace. ~smile~ Nearly all of our furniture was purchased second hand or given to us. It's alright. I'm always looking for the thrifty alternative. 

So here are a few things I did this past week:

  • Dental exam at a slide scale clinic
  • Stayed home for date night, made a simple supper, and watched tv 
  • Had hubby's zipper mended rather than buy new slacks
  • I'm knitting a sock with yarn I bought on sale on Ebay a couple years ago.
  • I am mending a dress that I made many years ago. The fabric has little holes, and I am mending them with embroidery.
  • My husband and I wanted to go out to lunch, but stayed home and ate leftovers instead.
  • Over a thousand pounds decluttered. Ha ha! My son sold the truck he left in our driveway!
  • I used up stationery that I've had on hand for awhile. I'll be starting fresh for next month's challenge.
  • I stayed home all week, because my children used my car. Three of the four are having car problems. Thank you Beth for getting me out for a bit on Thursday.

I hope you all have a relaxing but productive weekend!


Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


  1. You are so inspiring, my friend.
    And beautiful too boot!
    Thanks for sharing your tips and for your positive attitude!
    Have a cozy weekend, my friend.

    1. Thank you Billie Jo. You're quite a cheerleader. We need more ladies like you in the world!Hugs,Laura

  2. Very good photo of you. Enjoy your blog. Blessings, Sharon D.


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor