Monday, March 29, 2021

Thrifty Things Lately at Harvest Lane Cottage #161

Welcome to Harvest Lane Cottage.
I invite you to enjoy a cuppa and browse through hundreds of posts on faith, family, thrifty homemaking and encouragement. 

Hello Dear Reader,
 Isn't it wonderful? Winter must surrender to the calendar! It's Spring! I love Spring second only to Autumn. I love the cozying up of Fall, but Spring splashes forth with new life and hope! As soon as those first spring flowers push up and blossom, and the warmer breezes begin to blow, it's as if I'm young all over again! Do you feel the same?
 I find myself wanting to do all kinds of new projects and activities both inside and outside. I'm healing well, and look forward to many pleasurable and rewarding things this season. I'll be writing my Spring Bucket list soon. If you'd like to see some of my old bucket lists, you can see them here. If you'd like, look at how I did on my Winter bucket List 2021.

 Well enough of my rambling. Let me share my blessings and Thrifty Things Lately...

  • Thank you Miss Billie Jo for your PayPal gift!
  • Friends brought us a meal after my surgery. Thank you Beth!
  • I bought Cascade pods at Dollar Tree. There were 4 in a package—cheaper than Walmart. 
  • My husband has planted some tomato seeds that we had on hand. They're sprouting and growing.
  • I needed a soup to take to a pot luck. I didn't have much on hand, so I made a ham and bean soup with cranberry and pinto beans, onion, and a ham hock. I found it delicious.
  • I used Scribd to listen to books. I enjoy listening while I'm working about the house, knitting, or driving in the car. 
  • I received The Indebted Earl by Erica Vetsch and have been savoring it. I'm almost done. Look for the review soon. 

It's a short list, but I'm feeling better now. I'll be getting back to my thrifty self. ~smile~ It's been a different kind of winter, but it's good because God is good!
And now, Spring! Or Fall for all y'all down under!

Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,


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Thank you so much!

Find me online here:

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2021 5 Finished Books
Goal 50
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 Do not give in to fear about circumstances. God has not given us a spirt of fear but power and of love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

 We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Philipians 4:13

 This is the time to get in God's word and pray. 

 You may give share prayer requests with me in the comments or by email.

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  1. So glad to hear you're feeling better. Keep well.

  2. Glad to see you are doing well, Laura, and back to thrifting! I have not been around much-too much on my plate here-but you are in my prayers. xo Diana

    1. I understand. Actually, I think all the thrifted things were bought by my husband! I hope you find some time to get out and about soon. It's refreshing once in a while.

  3. What a lovely list Laura and I'm glad you're feeling better! I want to thank you for the Scribd free trial. I enjoyed it but I couldn't afford to keep it beyond the free trial. I am enjoying a free trial though of Amazon Kindle Unlimited and Amazon Music Unlimited. I had to buy a new tablet a few weeks ago because my prior one started overheating and would turn itself off and restart randomly. This one works nicely though I'm so used to Samsung/ Google system and this one is a Amazon product. Its rather fun using the installed Alexa.
    I got a free copy of Let Me Die in Ireland by David Bercot and I will have a review up after I'm done. Have a blessed rest if the week.

    1. I understand about Scribd. It's been great for me, but it won't be right for everyone. I've been listening to the Little House series since last fall. I've nearly reached the end.  I read them over and over again as a child and the first two many times as an adult. Have a wonderful week friend! God bless!Laura


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane