Saturday, February 5, 2022

A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage #173

 Welcome to another thrifty week at Harvest Lane Cottage. I am glad you've found me! Each week I share my thrifty and frugal projects, ways of saving money, frugal cooking, and my blessings from God. 


Ways I saved money:

I mended an old dress.  It will give me another year as a housedress.

I did my own manicure with a $2.99 set of Lily and Fox nail wraps. I extend their wear with a Sally Hanson's gel top coat (it doesn't have to be cured with light). That saved about $22 over the price I used to pay for a manicure.

I cooked beef stew using hamburger, because stew meat is ridiculously expensive now.

We tried a different laundromat that was about two dollars less expensive to wash a load! We spent about twenty dollars washing everything up. I got behind when I substituted. It costs money to work outside the home. 

The snow storm kept us home this week. That saved gas money and other money that my husband or I might have spent.

Cooking at home from scratch.

Saving money on interest by waiting to buy a washer with cash in a few weeks.

Free Spanish lessons on the Duolingo App. 

Listening to Sugar and Vice a cozy mystery by Eve Calder on Scribd. You can get two months free.


Ways I made money: 

Last week, I added to our family income by subbing in a K-3 special education class as a paraprofessional. It was my favorite subbing experience so far. 

I filled out a another survey with YouGov. It's the only survey site that I get points for every survey I fill out. 



A gift from a friend. Thanks Deborah.

I was able to give two friends some of the wool that I bought on sale last week. 

Thank you to the ladies who signed up to try Scribd this month. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Take time to really look around. There are lots of books, audio books (my favorites), documents, sheet music and podcasts available.

A friend gave me some tiny balls of scrap yarn. I am saving scraps to make another pair of scrappy socks. Thank you Jean.


Our washing machine has to be replaced. Still washing by hand and taking towels and jeans to the laundromat. I did find a big washer that will clean a whole basket of towels for $6.75. That's a big improvement. I'm washing 1-2 loads a week and drying them at home. I found a better price on the other side of town.

We worked out a plan to get a new washer in a couple more weeks without borrowing money. We hate debt.

Well everyone, that was my thrifty blessed week What are you doing in your homes?


My husband wrote a post on his blog called It's a Choice about our choices and our experiences with debt. 


 Do not give in to fear about circumstances. God has not given us a spirt of fear but power and of love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

 We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Philipians 4:13

 This is the time to get in God's word and pray. 

 You may share prayer requests with me in the comments or by email.

God is so good.

Praise God!

What have you been up to lately?

Blessed to be a blessing

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Find me online here:

Goodreads  Laura Lane 
2022 4 Finished Books...Goal 51
Instagram @lauraofharvestlane  
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Address available by email


  1. I took my clothes to dry at my Lil sis's for about 8 months as I was not going to go into debt for a dryer. She thought I was nuts. I would do housework for her while my clothes dried to offset the cost, although she would not have cared. I love the ways you save money.

    1. Being thrifty or refusing to go into debt are definitely things that many people don't understand. I applaud you!

  2. Yay you for waiting to pay cash! It's a good feeling to know that we don't owe anyone when we need something new.

  3. Isn't being frugal fun? I find that I enjoy looking at the ways I have saved money and also at the same time have something new to me or repurposed for a different room.

  4. Hello! I am inspired by you. And how exciting to be subbing! Good for you! Have a cozy weekend, my dear friend.

  5. Sounds like a blessed week indeed. I love that you are willing to wait and save for the washer. It is a lot of work - but no debt is wonderful.
    Have a beautiful Sunday!

  6. Hi Laura
    I tried salon manicures for awhile but they are expensive and the lights left me with mild sunburn. You are smart to avoid the lamps.
    I’m sorry you’re washer-less right now. We hate debt too, and contracts 👎


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor