Sunday, April 30, 2023

Laura Lately A Thrifty Week or Two or Three


Thrifty Things Lately: 

  • I requested the book, In This Moment, by Gabrielle Meyer for review from Bethany House. It's the second in the Timeless series. I reviewed the first book, When the Day Comes, and I really enjoyed it.

  • We are eating out of our cupboards and freezer as much as possible. 
  • I'm using some purple sock yarn scraps my friend,  Missy, gave me. My knitting friends know that I like to knit scrappy socks. I'm knitting this pair toe up.
  • Our lawn mower wouldn't start. My husband wanted to buy a new one. Instead,  he purchased an air filter and a spark plug and fixed it for $12! Hundreds saved.
  • We still drive and enjoy our 2002 Buick and 1989 Mercury. 
  • Chia seed pudding for breakfast.  1/2 c milk, 2 T chia seeds, 1 t maple syrup,  and 1/2 t vanilla. Stir and let sit for 15 minutes.  Stir again and refrigerate overnight. 
  • I've been real estate investing in our home a.k.a. decluttering. 
  • We're had a yard sale this weekend with our adult kids. We didn't make much money, but we did clear out a lot of real estate! We have half or less in our garage than we did.

  • I made homemade bean burritos with storage beans, onions, garlic,  a small amount of cheese and leftover tortillas from last week. I crisped them in the air fryer my husband received for Christmas. 
  • I bought chicken legs half off. I boiled them, then chilled them and the broth separately in the fridge. The next day, I debunked the chicken, reserving a cup for a future meal.  I heated the rest with bbq sauce  and served it on leftover buns. There was enough for my lunch the next day, too. Lastly,  I made a chicken soup using the cup of chicken, broth, rice, veggies, and spices.  Two meals and a lunch from a $3.50 package of chicken legs!
  • I cleaned out my knitting and crochet cabinet. I was looking for size 2 knitting needles. I didn't find them, but I found that I have yarn for my next several pairs of socks, and I organized my supplies logically and concisely. I also pullet out some needles and yarn that don't bring me joy for the sale.
  • Made a roast. Ate dinner with my husband. Made to lunches to go. Then I froze enough beef to make another meal— soup, sandwiches, bbq, or a casserole.
  • I started a new sock with some leftover yarn a girlfriend gave me. Thanks Missy!

All in all, it's been busy lately with subbing at the schools and trying to get ready for the sale. I already know that there's a whole 'nother layer of things that I will find to eliminate. But, no more garage sales for us for a long time... maybe ever. They're messy, hard work, and when you figure it by the hour, very unprofitable. However, we'll sell and give away individual items in the future.

 I hope you all have a great week and get some things done on your spring bucket list! I've updated mine. We've only a few weeks left of school, then I'll be in full summer mode.

 God bless you all!

Happy at Home
and working on being
super thrifty again!


  1. Sounds like you have been busy and productive! Good going on the yard sale. I have stopped having them - just way too much work. I will donate now, and bless someone else. All your cooking sounds wonderful.
    Have a blessed week.

    1. I completely agree Cheryl. If my kids hadn't needed a place, there's no way I would have done it.

  2. The furniture at your yard sale looks so nice! It is great that you were able to eliminate things you no longer need. I love that the lawn mower was repaired for such a low cost! Saving money is such a blessing!

    1. You are so right, Mrs. White. I've learned much about contentment and saving from you through the years.
      Thank you!


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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor