Saturday, August 26, 2023

Thrifty Things Lately ~ August 26, 2023


Thrifty Things Lately
at Harvest Lane Cottage

Hello everyone!
 Just popping in to share some of the thrifty things going on lately at the cottage.

  • I'm knitting some Christmas gifts. This pair of Everything November Mitts is especially nice, because a friend dyed the yarn then gave it to me. 

  • I ate a sandwich at home one evening when I wanted to go out.
  • We were able to turn the air conditioner for a couple of days. It was hope for fall!
  • I received a book to review that will go in my gift box. I changed my mind. Bryson the Brave Bison is staying on my shelf for my grandson.
  • I've been listening to books on Scribd. I just finished Fateful Words by Paige Shelton. I'm listening to John Adams by David McCullough. I began it the 29th of May. I don't know if I'll finish it by the end of summer or not. 

  • I'm also listening to Dear Mrs. Bird: A Novel by AJ Pearce. 

  • I'm listening to daily. has truly changed my life. I am able to listen to the Bible so much more than I would be able to sit and read it. I highly recommend it. It's free. 
  • I'm taking Spanish lessons on for free daily. I'm on day 940! If you want to be friends on Duolingo, I am Laura 789209. 
  • I drink water most of the time and carry water with me when I go out. This saves a lot of money. 
  • I gave my Benjamin the Newborn Socks that I knit for him.
  • We've been eating some Bits and Bobs meals lately. Groceries have gone up, but the income hasn't.


God is so good.
Praise God!

What have you been up to this week?

Blessed to be a blessing

Do you like my blog?
Please share!

Find me online here:

Laura Lane on Goodreads
2023  43 Finished Books
Goal 51
HarvestLaneLaura  on Ravelry
@lauraofharvestlane on Instagram
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Address available by email



  1. Hi Laura: I like a lot of your ideas. I use the Libby app on my phone to borrow books from our library. I can either read them or choose audio books which I usually do. That way I can knit and read, (listen) at the same time. I do the same with carrying my own water and I listen to the Bible app.
    On Sept. 13 I begin BSF, Bible Study Fellowship along with thousands of others around the world. I'm looking forward to it, but there is a LOT of homework.
    Have a blessed Sunday my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Hi Betsy, I think our library has the Libby app, too. I've not tried it though. I do like to use the free interlibrary loan. We have a smallish library in our smallish town.~smile~Enjoy your week beginning!Laura

  2. Good morning
    Thanks for the tips about and Duolingo
    What a sweet tiny baby foot ❤️

    I just fed the 3rd book in the Mrs Pearce series. It’s a kindle book, very good, and I’d be happy to lend it to you.

    1. You're too kind! Thank you so much for the offer. I'll be able to listen to them as part of my Scribd subscription.

  3. Those newborn socks are adorable! The blue gloves look so nice too. How long did it take you to learn to sew, knit, etc?

    1. Hi Sandi,
      I don't really know how to answer the question of how long it took me to learn to knit and sew. I've actually been learning since I was a young girl, and I'm still learning!
      You can learn the basics in a matter of hours. Then it's practice, practice, practice! I've had a grandmother, an aunt, my own mom, two fantastic school teachers, and many people help me along the way. YouTube has been wonderful for learning new skills, tricks, and tips.
      Let me know if you'd like me to share some resources with you.

  4. Oh my goody-ness!! Look at those newborn socks...that is precious! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. It was such a joy to put those socks on our little guy Jennifer!

  5. Such cute newborn socks!!!

  6. Hi Laura :) I sent you a request on Goodreads. On being frugal...I always carry my water bottle with me, even to church these days. I'm choose food at home more often, even though I really love eating out. Keep sharing and inspiring me :) I appreciate it!


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor