Saturday, August 10, 2024

Thrifty Things Lately ~ August 10, 2024


  Hello dear reader! I've been thinking about whether I want to keep titling these updates as Thrifty Things Lately posts or whether I want to go back to calling them A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage. Do you have an opinion? Watch to see what I decide. I want to share each week, but sometimes, the week just gets away from me—especially now that school is about to begin again.

“Beware of little expenses; 
a small leak will sink a great ship.” 
Benjamin Franklin

  • I'll get paid in September a big $20 for completing my online teacher training. ~grin~ That saved the school system $80 per sub on training costs! 
  • I downloaded an audiobook from Everand to listen to while driving. It's Good Wives by Louisa May Alcott. It's the second part of Little Women. $11.99 for as many books as I care to listen to.
  • I saved money by staying home a lot.
  • We're still eating the real eggs that my friend, Sherry, gave us. 
  • I met friends at McDonalds to knit and drink those fifty-four cent senior drinks!
  • I made banana bread with almost gone bananas. It was a delicous save for the bananas that I forgot. We shared a loaf with a neighbor. He gave me the walnuts to begin with. ~smile~

  • We picked up just a few things we needed and skipped the big shopping trip this week.
  • No vacations for us. Instead, we've been taking drives in the country. We're looking for gravel roads and trying to escape Google Maps surveillance! We headed into NW Arkansas this time. We had a nice dinner at a little Mexican restaurant in Rogers called Las Palmas. 5 stars!
  • I made apple crisp from the last couple of apples that were looking unappetizing. I used up some extra topping from the last crisp I made. 
  • Friends gave us green beans. I used ham pieces and ends, an onion, and a pound of new potatoes to make a very chunky soup. 
  • I reorganized the little hall closet shelves that I use for knitting and crocheting supplies. Isn't amazing how nice it feels when you can find things. If I could just keep it nice!
  • Okra from a friend became fried okra. We ate this with two of the thick pork chops from last week's purchase. The whole meal cost less than $5 for the two of us. 

  • Last week, we deboned a $5 rotisserie chicken and froze the meat. This week, we ate sandwiches and quesadillas for three days from that one chicken.
  • The quesadillas were made from leftover chicken, leftover cheese, spices, and a package of tortillas that I bought for less than $2. 
  • I may have mentioned before that I bought a high chair for $10 on FB Marketplace. It was structurally good, but it was very dirty and stained even after the lady cleaned it. I took it home and scrubbed it with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser with Dawn. It took a bit of elbow grease, but it came out great! $6 for the erasers was a lot, but I saved a whole lot more. 
  • When I was done with the high chair, I used the same eraser, with some added soap, to scrub the bathtub. It removed stains that have been there for years! I've tried lots of products. This is the one that works! I've been doing a bit of scrubbing each time I shower. 
  • I'm knitting with blessing yarn.

You know, I didn't do a lot this week. I was busy with other things, but you know what? Every bit counts. Some weeks I'm doing very frugal things. Some weeks I'm good if I don't spend money! This doesn't have the look the same for you as it does for me, and it doesn't have to look the same every week. Just...

Do what you can
with what you've got
where you are.

President Teddy Roosevelt


Be strong and courageous, do not give in to fear.
 This is the time to get in God's word and pray. 


So tell me now, what are you doing in your home?




  1. sounds like a good week. Have a blessed weekend

  2. Hello, Lovely lady! You have so many amazing ideas here. I love the picture of you and your man. Have a cozy Sunday afternoon, my friend.

  3. I have never heard of the Good Wives..or knew there was a part two to Little Women! I should check that out. And I love fried okra - yum. I should make some this week! Have a wonderful week:)

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      I'm not sure if Good Wives is part of the Little Women book, but it is part of the Little Women movie.

  4. What a great week you've had Laura - so many special little things that add up when you start counting them! I'm making a soup tonight from meat I've frozen from leftovers, and added fresh veggies from our garden too. It feels good to use leftovers up! I've used the Magic Erasers for a while, and they really do a phenomenal job on tough stains. Glad that it worked on the high chair! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend :)

  5. I don't know if you use Amazon, but sometimes I will put those Magic Erasers in my cart and leave them for a while - and somehow, the price drops ;)


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane