Friday, August 9, 2013

A Thrifty Week #11 at Harvest Lane Cottage

Good day dear readers!

I've missed a bit with my thrifty week series over the summer.  Since it's been such a popular series, and it keeps me thinking thrifty thoughts, here's my thrifty and frugal week:

~I made homemade bread and rolls.

~  I went to a bag sale at the thrift store brought clothes for my children, school supplies, and a nice gravy boat for me.

Yes!  I stuffed all of this into one standard sized brown paper bag!
If it were an olympic sport, I'd be in.  I roll and calculate and stuff until beads of perspiration dot my forehead!
 Go for the gold Sister!

~ The next day we went yard saling.  We found a waffle maker, some Legos, and more clothes for my girls.  Emily was proud to say that from head to toe she spent only $1 on a really cute blouse, skirt, and new shoes for Sunday!  Go girl!

~ This was week three of the big eat down.  I've been doing my best to use up what we have in the fridge, freezer, and cabinets rather than buying groceries.  I did pretty well.  I did buy a few things to supplement.  Last night, however, my husband told me that he wanted to make waffles this weekend.  I had to buy everything, including flour and sugar, except the baking powder!  I told him that if I don't grocery shop this weekend, we'll be eating some really strange things this coming week. ~smile~  His vacation starts this afternoon, so I think he'll want to eat some good things.

~ I stayed home again most of the week.  I did have a couple of errands I had to do, but I didn't go anywhere for pleasure.

Well, that's about it for now.  Think thrifty and be creative!

Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without my frugal sisters!

Happy at Home

May I suggest?


Spring Link Party


  1. Hi Laura love these posts they are so interesting and you are so good at this Laura, I nominate you for the Gold medal - well done! Seriously it just goes to show what can be done with a little research and effort. You have a wonderful weekend Laura with your lovely family, hope you all enjoy having hubby home for the holidays, have a fabulous time together.
    Lots of love as always

  2. I love being thrifty, it's a good feeling! Are you staying dry up there?

  3. Laura I love your thrifty buying trip! Stuff that bag!! I'm trying to use up what I have with just a few supplements this month of Aug. Thanks for sharing with us at TTF this week.


  4. Happy holidays with your hubby, have a lovely weekend, i am so enjoying your blog! Best wishes jackie x

  5. Hi Linda,

    I'm always amazed at how long I can go without spending money if I either must or choose to. The longer I wait, the more careful I must be with planning meals. The truth is, I've lived through times when you just have to do what you have to do.

    Thanks for talking back! God bless!


  6. Hello Friend Sue!

    From the news, it sounds like we're drier than you are, but the creek's up quite a bit. My son was in Job Corp at Puxico for awhile. I'm glad he's back in Carthage.

    By the way, I started kringling today. That's a term I coined for making Christmas gifts. ~smile~

    Blessings to you!



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God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
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Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!