Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Calmly Trusting

What will you do?
Your family is watching.
Your friends are watching.
Your neighbors are watching.
God is watching.

I wrote an article that was published today at Homespun Devotions, it addresses this question.

Calmly Trusting Our Shepherd ~ Guest Post by Laura Lane

Be blessed friends. We will make it through this!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


  1. I enjoyed your post very much Laura, you shared quite beautifully how you've learned to trust Jesus through all kinds of things. He is faithful, has not changed, and I'm thankful that we can find in Him a firm foundation to rest upon! Many blessings to you!

    1. My sentiments exactly, Marilyn. Thanks for taking time to write.

  2. Good Morning, You are so right about this; People our watching! And how we respond is a powerful tool to share Christ! Thanks for making masks for others, it a small thing but we all can use them again if we ever do get a bad cold and need to go out shopping! Sharing our germs is not polite LOL
    Hugs, Roxy
    Thanks for commenting on my blog about the face masks, I had a few replies and a lively discussion about them!

    1. Dear Roxy,Yes, I've been surprised what a hot topic something as simple as masks can be. I don't think I've been inside Walmart since the end of February or first week of March. My family agreed that I was the most at risk. Yesterday, however, my husband needed medicine, and I was the only one to get it. I dawned a mask from work and plastic gloves as I went in. I was surprised that only about 50% of people were wearing masks. It was difficult to keep the 6 foot distance, too as one had to pass others in the aisles. I know that our true protection comes from The Lord and washing our hands, but it was some comfort knowing that I was protecting myself the best I could.Be blessed dearie, if I ever come your way, I hope to meet you in person.Laura

  3. Thank you so much for sharing with us, Laura! God bless you.

    1. It was my pleasure, Cheryl. Thank you for the opportunity.Hugs to you, all will be well.Laura

  4. We are under His wings daily. He is our everything.

  5. What an encouraging post - thank you! It might sound a little 'odd' but even in my preparing for the worst, I have a feeling something very good will come of all of this. You are quite right - He is there for us always; we just don't always allow ourselves to see Him. How silly of us (me). Again thank you~

    1. Dear Lady Locust, I agree that God will bring something good out of this. I believe that what the devil meant for evil, God will turn for good. It is a time of recalibration for the church, for individuals, for governments, for businesses, and for the world itself.Be blessed dearie, and look for the good. It's there.Laura

  6. Great article! I’m trusting Him, but I’m so tired. I need to get away from the tv and enjoy life! Hugs! To you.

    1. Oh yes, Penny. The tv can truly suck the life right out of us—especially right now.

  7. Good post my friend. I am calm and content and know the Lord has it all in His care.

    1. Dear Michelle, It is a wonderful feeling, is it not?


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor