Friday, June 23, 2023

Summer Reading List at Harvest Lane Cottage

 Reading is a big part of my life. I do it every day. Every single day. Sometimes I can't sit down with a book, but I always make time to listen while I'm driving or creating or working around the house. I thank God my momma read to me. I thank God my teachers read to me. They helped my imagination to grow and develop so that I see stories play out in my mind as I read or listen. I've recently found that not everyone does that. 

 Please take time to read aloud to your children from very young to as old as they'll still let you. It's good for them, and it's good for you. You can bet I'll be reading to my little Gibby just as soon as he can sit and look at a book. ~smile~

Here's my promised summer reading list for 2023. I'll be honest, I always end up adding more to the list that may or may not show up here. 

  Please join me! Let me know what you're reading. What do you recommend? My friend, Laura, told me about Molly MacRae's cozy mysteries. I've already read two in the last few weeks. I'm hoping to make this blog a lot more interactive. I love corresponding with readers. 

  So here's my 2023 Summer Reading List:

Bible in 90 days 

with a YouVersion reading plan.

YES! It's a lot! More than I expected. I'm not sure if I'll do 90 days again. The only way I can do it is by listening most of the time. I finished. 

I'm listening to Love, Pray, Listen 
by Mary DeMuth on Scribd.
All done!
5 stars!

I began to read Mere Christianity
by C.S. Lewis but didn't finish it.
I find I just don't have the brain space to finish this until this fall.

I downloaded John Adams
by David McCullough from Scribd.
McCullough is one of my favorite history writers.
I just started this July 4th.
This is a very long book!
August 3rd I'm still listening!

Homespun Devotions
is a very encouraging devotional book
by Cheryl Smith.

Preserving by the Pint
by Marisa McClellan

And for fun...

Spinning in her Grave
by Molly MacRae
I listened on Scribd.  I couldn't resist starting the next in the series! 

Nightfall in the Valley of Deep Time
by Tracy Higley
It's on my Scribd app.
Fished this. 
5 stars!

If you'd like to keep up with my reading progress,
you can follow me on Goodreads
I update my progress

Laura Lane

*I signed up for a free trial of Scribd in February 2019. It's a service where you can read or listen to books for just $11.99 a month with no limit.  

I kept the plan, because we really use it and like it a lot. We especially like the extensive list of audio books. Take a look. If you sign up from this link, you can get a two free months trial, and I'll get one month free, too.


  1. Hello Laura, Thanks for leaving the comments for me and sending the message about Chloe's "coat of many colors". We lost her two years ago last April and we're still devastated. She was a wonderful dog. We miss her but have replaced her with our little ball of terror, Zoey. Our daughter adopted her litter sister, Lizzie and they get to play together several times a week and she loves them very much.
    I've been listening to the Bible on an audio app and I'm currently in 2 Samuel. I have also been listening to a couple of cozy mystery series on our library app..
    Some of your summer reading looks very good. I ordered "Foxes Book of Martyrs" today for Hubby and I to read together. We have it so good here in the US but that could be changing very quickly and we both think it will be good to be reminded of what those who have gone before us have suffered for their faith.
    Our kids and grandkids all love to read as do Hubby and I. There aren't enough hours in the day to knit and read too. Often I'll listen to a book on audio while I knit, that way I can kill two birds with one stone!
    I hope you have a wonderful Saturday and I'm so happy to have "met" you. It's always wonderful to meet a sister in Christ.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. (Little Penpen) looks like a great reading list. Several of those grabbed my attention. Enjoy!


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane