Thursday, June 22, 2023

My Summer Bucket List 2023


Hey y'all!

Do you make a bucket list each season like I do? You know, I've not once finished everything on my list, but it sure inspires me to keep busy and enjoy the season. This summer, I am especially excited, because my little Gibby, my nickname for my first grandbaby, is going to arrive. He's set to make his appearance near the end of summer. Update: He surprised us and came early! His name is Benjamin, and he's perfect! My Amy is taking after her momma. I have three children born at the end of August and beginning of September! It makes a long, hot summer for momma, that's sure. I finished knitting a little pair of socks for Gibby last week. I used leftover yarn from his momma's Christmas socks from this past year. That's very appropriate since his momma announced him to us on Christmas! I only wish I'd had leftover yarn from his daddy's socks, too, but he has size 13 feet! No leftovers there!

Here are some of the things that I want to do this summer. 
I'll put a heart by the things as I finish them.

 Write my summer bucket list
♥ Write my summer reading list

♥ Make a little sweater for Benjamin 
♥ Make a little hat to match  
♥ Make a few more newborn socks
♥ Knit socks for #summersockcamp 3 pairs done
~ Knit dishcloths for us and for gifts
♥ Knit a hat for the NICU 

♥Sew some wipes 
♥ Hand quilt 15 minutes a day... I've done it most days.
~ Sew a new skirt before school starts
~ Take in the elastic on a couple of skirts
~ Catch up my mending
~ Sew a project bag

~ Picnic in the park
♥ Day trip to northwest Arkansas
~ Drive in movie
♥ Frozen lemonade run to Sonic

 ♥ Worship Jesus under the stars
~ Sit by water and worship Jesus
~ Sit by a fire and worship Jesus
♥ Watch fireworks

♥ Blow bubbles
 Eat icy cold watermelon
♥ Eat fresh corn on the cob
♥ Eat fresh tomatoes out of our garden

♥Make strawberry jam
 Make blueberry jam
~ Make a Christmas gift

~ Make a plan for blog posts
~ Make a daily and weekly rhythm plan 
~ Make a gift list for birthdays and Christmas
♥ Repot 3 houseplants
~ Finish fixing up the back porch table and chairs

What's on your summer bucket list friends?

Happy for summer at home!
It's the best part of teaching.

PS Gibby is my nickname for our grandbaby due in a couple of months. GrandBaBY. Gibby!


  1. I love your bucket list. I've never done that before and maybe it would be a good idea. Otherwise time gets away from you and you never get everything done that you want to.
    Blessings and love,

    1. Yes Betsy! That's exactly why I do it! I've decided to ask my husband to make strawberry jam with me as a date night with a sweet treat at the end!
      Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  2. Hi Laura,
    When you visit NW Arkansas, be sure to see the Walmart museum and Crystal Bridges museum. They are free. Crystal Bridges is set in a beautiful natural area.
    The Walmart museum visitor center is an old fashioned icecream parlor.
    Congratulations on the 1st grand baby's upcoming arrival.
    Ellie in AR

    1. Thanks so much Ellie! We have visited the Walmart Museum. I hope to visit Crystal Bridges sometime, also. Have a great week!


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane