Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Empty Nesting


 It's a new season in my life. I've had many seasons—

  • childhood
  • teenager
  • college
  • young married
  • mom to littles
  • homeschool mom
  • mom to teens
  • cancer fighter
  • and a retired homeschool mom when my youngest graduated

  Until last summer, I had three young adults in my home. Then there was one. 

  First comes love. Then comes marriage... then my last little birdy flew the nest! 

  So now I'm an empty nester. It's come a little later for me than some. I'm well into my fifties. I'm very blessed to have the privilege of spending my empty nest years with my high school sweetheart. 

  Lowell and I started dating in October 1981, he asked me to go steady in November 1981, he gave me a gold necklace with a tiny diamond in it for Christmas. The hook was set, he just had to reel me in... or did I reel him in? Either way, he gave me a promise ring with six diamonds in the spring of 1983, and May 10, 1985, he gave me a diamond solitare and asked me to marry him. I did the following May right after school was out for summer. 

  I'm so thankful that we weathered all the storms of life together. We definitely had our share of good times and bad, of richer and poorer, and of sickness and health, but we've made it through it all. I thank God that He's been the glue in our marriage.

  Now, a new season is beginning.

  Our last little birdy is going to be a momma soon. I'm going to be Grammy Laura. I'm overjoyed! 

Please pray with me that Amy will have a healthy pregnancy and delivery and that little Gibby (my nickname for GrandBaBY) will be healthy. Thank you for your prayers my long-distance friends!


Shared at Grammy's Grid 



  1. Prayers for the new life coming and that is good and healthy. Prayers for you both as you navigate a new road together.

    1. Thank you so much Cheryl. That means so much to me!

  2. I am so happy for you! God bless!

  3. A life well-lived! God bless you and Gibby. 🙂💕💜

  4. Congratulations!!! There is nothing like being a Grandmother! I just prayed for your daughter and little Gibby.

    1. Thank you so much Lana. That means so much to me!

  5. Oh my friend! This is absolutely beautiful. Can I tell you I am teary-eyed?? Prayers for your daughter and your grandbaby! How exciting!

    1. I've watched your life through your blog for years my friend. I know you understand. Thank you so much for praying!

  6. Congratulations Laura! We became empty nesters just two years ago, after having my kids with me 24/7. That was tough, yet exciting! It takes a few months to adjust to a quiet house, but after awhile it's nice :) We do family dinner once a week and I keep the 3 grand girls every Thursday, all day. I thank God every day for the privilege of being at home and having these kids in our lives. I pray your new grand baby will be healthy and whole and all will go perfectly.

    1. It was really hard to make the transition, but I think I'm really enjoying a bit of quiet sometimes! You've got a great routine with your family. Love it! Thank you so much for praying!

  7. Congratulations, Laura! I will be sure to keep Amy and her sweet baby in my prayers! You are going to be a terrific grandma. : ) May you have a blessed day!

    1. Hello Mrs. Sarah! Thank you so much. That means so much to me! God bless you and your family!

  8. Good Morning Laura. We're back from our trip and I'm trying to catch up on blogs again. It seems that these days I'm always playing catch up! Congratulation on your new little grandbaby. Our courtship was much like yours but began in 1975. I thought we were going to get a promise ring in December of 1976, but Dennis said we knew we were getting married so why waste money on a promise ring. We should get an engagement ring instead. That's my guy. The accountant in him was strong even then! We were married the summer after I graduated in 1978.
    Take care and enjoy the Friday that God has given us.

    1. That's wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing your story! So romantic!

  9. Miss Laura now it is your time.
    You've done your part as a parent.
    You've loved them,fed them, educated them..
    They have had a good solid christian upbringing.
    They will do well.
    Now it is time for you and your hubby.
    Enjoy it. Go for country drives,pack a picnic.
    Serve a romantic meal that you two enjoy.
    Change is hard. I moved from my home of forty years.
    It was strange for a bit but I'm happier here.

    1. What an encouraging comment! Thank you so much. Please share your name if you will!

  10. Congratulations! It is such an exciting time for you both. Enjoy life. Relax and don't get overwhelmed with it all. Savor the moments, as you know, they fly by quickly.

    1. Thank you Joyful Mama. For years, I couldn't imagine being anything but mommy then homeschool mom. I'm still transitioning, but it's good. The moments are going by super quickly this summer.


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor