Saturday, October 14, 2023

2023 Fall Bucket List ~ Harvest Lane Cottage


Harvest Lane Cottage
Fall Bucket List

 Happy Fall Dear Reader! 

  Fall is trickling into the Ozarks. I've enjoyed opening the windows and turning off the air conditioner! We've had a few downright chilly nights. A few of the maples are showing their first blush of red at the tops. Gold is tinging some of the oaks.

   I've been a bit late in making my list. It's still strange to me to make my bucket lists just for me and my husband. I had kids at home for 32 years. That's a long time. My first date with my husband October 16, 1981. It was a Friday night. It was a dance-a-thon sponsored by Junior Achievement, a business club for kids from the town and country schools. He was the town boy, I was the country girl. Ah, I've got to remind him that the anniversary of that first date is coming up! Well, on to this year's bucket list.

 I've actually already done a few of these things. I still added them to the list, because y'all might want to do some of them. I'll put items I've completed in italics. Then I'll come back and update regularly so that you can see my progress. 

 I have found that since I began making these bucket lists, I am more intentional about enjoying each season. It's too easy to get stuck in a rut or focus on the wrong things. All work and no play, you know?

 I'd love to hear what is on your bucket list for fall. Please share a list or a link to your list in the comments below. Is there anything I've forgotten that you consider a must do? Let's talk and be friends. 

Here's my bucket list for 2023.

  • Make my fall bucket list
  • Make my fall reading list
  • Decorate for fall ~ I sorted my fall decorations and let go of some that no longer bring me joy. I don't have a lot, but I do like what I have. Once we have some pretty leaves, I'll probably bring some in.
  • Enjoy candy pumpkins ~ My son brings these to me as soon as they're available each year.
  • Make apple crisp
  • Read and review Melody Carlson's new Christmas novella ~ A Royal Christmas 
  • Make homemade cocoa
  • Burn a fall candle
  • Invite friends for a soup supper ~ Ham "n Beans and Cornbread
  • Dad's visit here in October
  • Carve our pumpkin with my husband
  • Roast pumpkin seeds
  • Listen to Christmas music
  • Finish reading Psalms and Proverbs
  • Worship God under the stars ~ Maple Leaf Worship Night
  • Maple Leaf Festival
  • Bake pumpkin bread
  • Bake cookies
  • Start my Christmas shopping
  • Try a new soup ~ Chicken broth & meat, rice, mushrooms, cream of mushroom soup, broccoli, salt & pepper, cornstarch to thicken
  • Knit Everything November Mitts
  • Walk through crunchy leaves
  • Eat homemade chili
  • Christmas Club at my house every month. I've been doing this since July with a few friends. We're enjoying Christmas music, treats, and working on Christmas projects together. September, October, November
  • Take a drive to look at fall foliage 
  • Collect Christmas cards
  • Make a pecan pie and share the recipe
  • Celebrate Thanksgiving with family at home
  • Make friendship tea
  • Knit wool socks for my husband
  • Eat Queen's Apples (cut up apples with caramel and pecans)
  • Visit my dad in November
  • Bake pumpkin and maple leaf shaped sugar cut-out cookies
  • Sew a project bag
  • Shop for a new sweater or jacket
  • Candlelight baking
  • Harvest Celebration cake ~ pumpkin, apple, pecan cake
  • Make a gift list
  • Sip hot apple cider
  • Listen to a Christmas book on Scribd. 
  • Finish hand quilting the top that Lowell's Grandma made
  • Make homemade eggnog
  • Invite friends for pie 
  • Collect pinecones, leaves and seed pods to decorate 
  • Take a walk and enjoy the maple leaves
  • Read by candlelight or lamplight
  • Watch a Christmas movie
  • Finish my Fall Reading List
  • Itty bitty blessings from the Lanes
  • Decorate our Christmas tree Thanksgiving weekend

Alright, now you know some of the things I hope to do over the next month and a half of fall. Yes, it's a long list. No, I won't do it all. Yes, I'm still gonna try!

Plan for relaxation, plan for fun, plan for sanity!
Enjoy and look for the sparkles of joy!
Keep positive and optimistic!

Be blessed!

Focusing on the Lord
and Loving This Season

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  1. For some reason autumn seems to be when I pull out the Tasha Tudor books 😍. Tomorrow we are hosting an apple cidering 🍎. Love this time of year. Your list is more ambitious than mine would be 💕. Lady Locust

    1. That's understandable. Tasha Tudor screams cozy.
      An apple cidering? That sounds so interesting! We all enjoy at our own rate my dear. I won't do it all. I just don't want to run out of ideas! I'll be over for a visit in just a bit.

  2. Hello Laura! I love your bucket list idea! I keep a notepad on my desk with things we need to do - but mostly they are work projects! I need a fun project bucket list like yours! Thanks for the inspiration! And enjoy your visit with your Dad! How I miss mine!

    1. Hello Marilyn,I did enjoy my visit with my dad, Marilyn. I was surprised by a visit from my step-dad, too. He blessed me with new tires for my old 89 Mercury that I'll drive til it won't drive anymore! It was unexpected and needed. My old tires were getting bald. God is so good to take care of us in unexpected ways.Thank you Jesus!Tell me something you're planning to enjoy this month!I'll be by to visit your blog later today.Laura

  3. Hello, my lovely friend! I absolutely love your list. I am glad to hear you say that you continue to do some of the activities that you did with the kids. I am feeling a bit melancholy this year, as three of my four are grown. Thankfully, at 13 Flynn is still happy to participate! I love the blog look here, and all your coziness. Have a lovely afternoon!

    1. Hello Friend Billie Jo,
      I understand that feeling of melancholy. Last year was my first without any "kids" at home. The girls were grown but still lived at home up until that time.
      This year, my 25 year old daughter suggested coming home to carve pumpkins. So we carved pumpkins. We got some good photos. I'll have to share them on the blog. Both my sons came over and carved, too. It was fun.
      Cozy is always the vibe I enjoy.
      What do you have planned for fun the rest of the month?

  4. i enjoyed reading the list you've made for fall fun. I've never made bucket lists for the seasons but I think I need to make a list of different things to do around here so the days don't just slip by. We just went on a mini-vacation to the Amana Colonies in Iowa. That was a lot of fun and very relaxing for the two of us. I did a short post on my blog with a few photos.
    I hope you can visit and see them and thank you so much for all of the ideas on your list!

    1. Hi Betsy, I'll be over for a visit this afternoon. Do share some things on your list!

  5. WOW - so much fall fun in your future...and quite a bit of yumminess, too! Here's to getting quite a bit accomplished on that list! Happy Autumn to you:)

    1. I'll do my best, Jennifer. Fall festival tomorrow!
      What do you plan to do to make things fun this fall?


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor