Monday, May 27, 2024

A little Randomness ~ 1973

Between having non-stop company since May 7th, and a bit of writer's block, I've not written much lately. When I sat down at the computer a few minutes ago, I had a totally random idea. Randomness isn't anything unusual for my pinball brain. ~smile~ 

So, at least once a week, for the next several weeks, I'm going to use a random number generator to give me a year from 1969 (when I have my first few memories) to 2024. I'll share at least one memory from that year and then add in any randomness that comes to mind. Hopefully, this will help me to get past my writer's block and also give you something to spark a memory, or at least something interesting or silly or brilliant to read. Well, maybe not brilliant... we'll see what the years bring! 

Random Year:  1973

It's a little backward, but my very first thought was of December 31, 1973. One of my favorite game shows was Match Game 73. Each year, on the last day of the year, the giant year number was removed and the next year replaced it. It sounds crazy to me now, but I actually cried when they removed the 73! I was so sad to see the year go. It's the first time that I remember being cognizant of the passage of time. I was eight years old at the time. 

I remember being unhappy about the television being taken over by something called Watergate. I was missing some of my favorite shows! I had no idea what it was all about. It was boring to watch to an eight year old. It was probably boring to my parents as well. 

I had a transistor radio and a little record player, and I loved to listen to Top 40 music all the time. 1973 was a great year for music. My favorite was Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree by Tony Orlando and Dawn. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but I really liked it. Crocodile Rock by Elton John was a close second. 

I spent a lot of time outside. I loved to ride my bike, play with my little brother and the neighborhood kids. We played tag, hide and seek, cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, and we chased fireflies. 

It was a good year to be a kid.



  1. Hello!! What a wonderful idea! And I have to tell you, I absolutely love that show! I still watch it almost everyday!!! My kids love it too. And my favorite episodes are the New Year's Eve ones when the year changes. Flynn and I always say that we wish Brett and Charles could be our friends! Thanks for the smiles today! Hugs!

    1. I didn't even know if anyone would remember Match Game. That's why I included the video! I think it's great that you and Flynn have such fun together.
      Enjoy! Hugs!

  2. You were just a babe in the woods! I graduated on May 27th, 1973. It was hot and got stormy later in the day. That was the beginning of a whole new life for me!
    Have a great day.

    1. That was an exciting time for you! You're right, I had a whole lot to learn! I still do!

  3. Hi There, Oh yes, I was all of twelve years old at the time...I was born at the tale end of '60. My husband graduated that year from highschool. That cracks me up, me being in knee socks and my husband in his sideburns and mustache and chestnut hair graduating. lol

    I remember Watergate, yes it was all over the place and also my mom and dad at the breakfast table, My mom took sides with the media and Dad said Nixon would end up having a good reputation years later, he said Nixon wasn't doing anything the others had done by George. He just got caught. lol I don't think either one of them were right! Ha! ...I do remember being tickled at the breakfast table though, it was interesting conversation for me to hear! : )

    Great blog! Blessings!
    Amelia at My Forest Cathedral blog

    1. Those few years of age difference seemed enormous back then. Now, not so much! It's funny to think about though. I vaguely remember my parents talking about Nixon, but nothing that made any sense to me. Thanks so much for writing to me.Be blessed!Laura

  4. I was twelve years old in 1973 and had a huge crush on Tony Defranco of The Defranco Family.
    I also would save my money to buy Tiger Beat magazine. I don't think its around anymore but oh such memories.😍 1973 was also the year we moved into our first mostly white neighborhood and oh how we had the sweetest neigh bors. I remember Watergate too and being so annoyed my cartoons weren't on because of all the coverage.

    1. I remember Tiger Beat. I saved my money for it a few years later. ~smile~ I thought David Cassidy was pretty cute.

  5. June 22, 1973 I married B and we are getting ready to celebrate 51 years together in 2024. 1973 was a very good year.

    1. How wonderful! I remember my mom remarried in 1976, and everything was old-timey.

  6. Hi Laura! I was 8 years old in 1973 and I spent much time watching The Brady Bunch, wishing that was my family :) I loved any and all variety shows on tv, especially the ones where they sang. Donny and Marie were my favorites. Sonny and Cher also. I had a record player and played my albums after school. I loved to ride my bike, but my older brother was always taking parts off of mine, to fix his! Uggg...brothers! Anyway, what a fun post :) Thanks for jogging my memory.

    1. We would have been besties. I did all these things. My brother didn't take parts off my bike to fix his, but the old man across the street was always helping one of us with our bikes!

  7. Laura, Reading your post; my random thought was I was 11 years older than you in 1973. Oh my! I was married 2 years by then.

    1. Giggles! I'm sure those were happy days for you!

  8. I am amazed whenever I hear someone has such specific memories of a certain year as my memory doesn't often work that way. In 1973, I turned 14, so I would have been in Grade 8, I think. I can't recall any of my teachers, and can only assume my summer would have been spent riding my bike, helping mom with the garden (as little as I could get away with), and most likely, spending a week or two at camp.


Thank you so much for writing to me!
God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!
Contact me directly if you'd like to know more.
Laura Lane

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
7 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Thank you Jesus!