Saturday, September 9, 2023

Weekend Reading Septmember 9, 2023


Hello friends,

 It's so good to be writing a bit more again. I'm feeling much better after a summer suffering from many headaches. I'm going to try to be a little more organized about writing. I've found that I can work around the house in 20-30 minute spurts, then I need to rest just a bit. Sometimes I work longer, but if I work too long, I feel it. ~smile~ This is just another example of do what you can with what you've got where you are, but regarding my energy!

 I've curated a few good blog posts for you to read over the weekend. As I get more things done, I'll start up my thrifty posts regularly again. I love keeping a record of the things I'm doing to be frugal, because it motivates me to do more. I also love keeping a record of the blessings that I receive, because it keeps me thankful, and it's a record of God's provision.

 Please enjoy these posts over the next few days. I enjoyed finding them for you. 

From Harvest Lane Cottage Archives:

From Out and About:

  • Homemade Gak by Kristyn @ Lil' Luna ( I made this with my kids a few years ago. They loved doing it!)

That's all for now. Remember, you can reach me through the contact form on the sidebar or comment below with prayer requests. I love to hear from y'all!

Happy weekending! Happy Holy Week next week!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
Happy to have so many Sweet Readers who write to me!


  1. Nice hearing from you Laura. You are in my prayers. Happy that you are feeling better.

  2. Please continue to take care and don't over do it. Blessings my friend.

  3. I love the picture of you and the kitty cat. I sure didn't know that it is, did you say national sewing week? What a shame I didn't know...I have been sewing every night and some days because it is too hot and humid to work outside. :) Didn't know you had been feeling bad. Hope you feel much better soon. Gosh, how in the world do you find so much to post...and it is always good stuff, and interesting. You take care.

    1. Hi Penny!
      It's actually National Sewing Month! You've got time to celebrate!
      I just would like to get past my mending to actually sewing. I may just give it a deadline and set the rest aside. I want to have some fun!


Thank you so much for "talking back" to me!

I read all comments and appreciate them.
Please make sure I have your email if you want me to respond or pray for you.

God bless you! This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Your blog friend,
Laura Lane
5 Year Cancer Survivor